
Is the railway Budget of session 2008 -09 a good budget or not ? post ur queries or comments .......?

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Is the railway Budget of session 2008 -09 a good budget or not ? post ur queries or comments .......?




  1. I dont know what the numbers were, I know the proposed budget is not even close to what we deserve and need.

    We as a nation need to offer viable working alternatives to the personal automobile.

    Right now it's not happening.

    Ridership is up substantially, proving that people WILL ride a quality passenger rail system if it is available with good service, good quality equipment and at a reasonable cost.

  2. I haven't seen it either -- but knowing what was said to the first director of AMTRAK in 1971 -- "How fast can you get rid of passenger service?" give you some idea of how passenger travel is looked at in the US.

    The true heyday of AMTRAK was when Graham Claytor was president.  He ran it like a railroad; not like some of the other suits that thought it was "cool!  I have my very own railroad.  Let's see what I can s***w up."

    I've got some ideas for improving service; but you know any suggestion from he "unwashed masses" will be file 13'd

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