
Is the reason why Whites make more than Black because blacks are in a vicious circle?

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most blacks live in the inner cities and live in poor towns therefor they get less of an education because they are reading history books 10 years old...and this is just a vicious cycle that keeps repeating itself. My brother is very intelligent and said that whites were created slightly smarter than blacks. I am not trying to be racist at all but that may just be how it is. I also read that Germans are the smartest. Just like black guys are usually stronger and taller whites may be slightly smarter.




  1. This is somewhat true, but I'm sorry to say I think there is a lot of self-discrimination within black communities. They seem to spend a lot of time hating and complaining instead of putting forth true effort. Sorry, that's just my opinion. Even Jessie Jackson has said as much.

  2. Everyone is their own person.I am white.I came from a poor background, sucky K-12 education, but I decided to make a change.It is within each person whether or not they want a better life.Personally, I don't know why more black americans are doing better.They are offered tons of federal benefits for just be poor.You can't judge groups of people because everyone in that particular group isn't going to be the same!

  3. I have seen a map of distribution of IQ somewhere, could be Wikipedia. People from far East have highest average IQ, not Germans (German Nordicism rests on assumption that people of Northern Europe developed more than others because their environment was harsh, and they had to be able to fight it, a view called environmental determinism).

    But it depends on what kind of intelligence you're after. Being smart is not all about being able to solve strange and abstract economics questions and going to Ivy League. People have different kinds of intelligence, and we should all respect each other for that.

    Blacks and many other groups (minorities in other countries then the USA) may be not as 'smart' and that is mainly because of the vicious circle. The geographic distribution is probably a consequence of historical events. A lot of what we appreciate as 'intelligence' at present developed in Europe, and Europe and the US dominate a lot of things in the world, so the definition of intelligence is what they want.

    Always be ready to appreciate people for different kinds of intelligence. Going too far from that leads to events such as Holocaust.

  4. This is somewhat true. How the parent was raised is how the child will be most likely to be raised and thus continuous cycle. Your brother is wrong. There is no dominant race. I know many African-Americans that are attending Columbia right now, an Ivy League school and it's a coincidence that their parents are successful too. There are just maybe more Caucasians that are successful compare to the African race ratio.

  5. no. black folks have been handed the short stick for so long, it's hard to change that.

    for cronyism to work for blacks, more of them have to be in positions of power and influence.

    white people have cronyism working for them, as do many ethnic groups.

  6. No race of people is smarter than the next.  There are rich blacks and rich whites... poor blacks and poor whites.  

    The issue isn't money or education anyway.  Because there are plenty of idiots who have both.

    The individuals who can see past color (on both sides) will realize that there are greater things of importance in this world than a color barrier.  It's more important to stress things we have in common:  

    Like how we're killing off the rest of the world with our bombs (dropped by pilots of both colors... and sexes) .... and how we are idiots to not give our citizens free health care and free educations that poorer countries seem able to afford.  Give that a shot, dork-o's.

  7. honestly the black people that americans brought to usa for slavery were bred, like dogs are, to work. they werent bred for their smarts, just for strength. thats why there are so many huge black men out there that do the physical labor better then white guys. the black people from europe are normally smarter and smaller physically then the ones from africa. the thing with black people and inner cities is thats where they have learned to survive with their strength.

  8. Sometimes it is good to look beyond your nose- means you feel you know how it is because of the little circle of your surroundings.  There are many highly educated and hard working blacks, it has nothing to do with blacks reading history books; the society only need to allow them to show their worth instead of putting most blacks in jail, It is such a vicious circle I agree with you because a black man desperately need that chance that a white man give in order to prove himself.  The whites are so scared to give most smart blacks a chance; because they think they will take over.  The reason we sometimes think the whites are smarter is because they would not give a black man the chance to prove himself.  For the past 1000 years they have been ruling the world hence we thinks they are smarter than the blacks.  Why do you think the Germans are the smartest? What about the Japanese? The bottom line is that the whites love the realm of power and wants to keep it that way.

  9. I do not know where you are from but all are equal and some are better off than others in al races.  Why is this a raciest thing again?  Around here they have all the same opprunities and we get paid for what we do.  They can get thier school go to work pay for more education and get jobs like everyone else.  No difference than this other kid in the middle of some farming state moving away from his/her family after high school to go work and school to better them self  all about wanting too.  Get rid of all this aid and more will.

  10. I think that may be part of the cause--the vicious circle.

    I don't think any race is "more intelligent" than another.  There are very bright people, average people, and some quite a bit less than average in all races.

    A lot of it IS opportunity, parenting style, other circumstances.

    But I would also include attitude.  The blacks have been very successful in intimidating society, sometimes playing the "race card," and also at times referring to a concept called "entitlement."  This later concept is that because of wrongs done mainly in previous generations, including slavery, that we (non-blacks) owe them.  It is the idea of a sort of inherited guilt, that is just because I don't and didn't have slaves, I still owe them because my ancestors probably did, or something close to that.

    Now, not to argue the validity of "entitlement," I will say that that sort of thinking, I think, does not tend to necessarily motivate a person (black) to work hard at earning her way with society and today's economy.  Well, true or not, I sense and see a lot of hate and backlash racism in the black sectors (And, dare I say so, this is true of feminism too, if you get my meaning).  And, in my opinion, such thinking does not make for aiding today's black in getting ahead.  

    But also, in all fairness, I believe the corporate systems (not so much so governmental) have for complex reasons favored whites over blacks.

  11. All of those are pretty much false. itgoes back to the whole slave thing where they didn't make any money then once slavery was abolished  most people wouldn't hire black people and if they did they get a job they got paid a lot less for hard labor than a white guy. Today even though there are equal rights and racism has decreased it is still exists. After generation and generations of being poor it is a hard cycle to break. It's not just blacks who live in poverty there is also hispanics, asians, caucasians, and even german people who go through this. For the german question germans are not naturally smarter. what puts them at the top of there game is the school system they have. if you give a black person the same oppertunity as a german they would be just as smart. For the strength thing it is a sterio type that blacks are stronger than whites but then again i think that has to do with evolution. having to endure the hard ships that they had like working all day in the field with little in there stomaches. they had to be strong. I don't even know where you got the taller white people are smarter that is unbelievably the dumbest thing i ever heard. Height, race, or color of your skin has nothing to do with how smart you are. Saying that they are is racist and basing anything on something that you cannot control makes you incompinent, ignorant, and unintelligent.

  12. You're on the right track, your brother is full of it.

    There's first, prenatal nutrition, which effects brain development before birth; and early years nutrition that can stunt intelligence.

    But one's environment is crucial. The poor tend to be less educated and tend to provide less intellectually enriching environments (which is why Head Start is such a good thing, for instance).

    Then, as you point out, they have crappy and old books; little or no access to computers; over-crowded classes, often with less-qualified teachers.

    Even when the school has breakfast and lunch programs, the kids often aren't eating well on the weekends. (Local news recently had a story about a school where, Friday afternoon's the kids packed backpacks with nutritious snack for the children from low-income families take home. They found they were much better able to do their schoolwork on weekends when they weren't hunrgy the whole time.)

    And, finally, with the less-good education, and not enough money, if they go to college at all, they don't have their choice of colleges.

    Everything I've said applies to the poor. Most poor are White (as the vast majority of the population is White); but Blacks are disproportionately likely to be poor -- a higher percent than is in the general population.

    So, no. Your brother has been reading racist garbage that has been discredited by everyone who actually knows what they're talking about.

    POVERTY stunts intelligence and level of education; what continent a person's ancestors was born on doesn't.

    And, no, Germans aren't smarter than everyone else, either.

  13. Well I don't see why it would matter if your history books are 10 years old! Unless history changes over time...

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