
Is the right hand reverse round the corner one of the manoeuvres in the driving test?

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Hiya, I have my driving test booked for next month and a job depends on me passing. I am a single mum of 3 on a very low income and driving lessons are really stretching me to breaking point. My last instructor was milking it for all it was worth and after 23 hours still had only taught me one manoeuvre, despite by now driving very competently. He always said it took a 2 hour lesson to teach manoeuvres which other people pointed out to me was false . I changed to a new school. I booked my test after an assessment lesson and I asked the new instructor to concentrate on bringing me up to speed with the manoeuvres. My last hour lesson and half of the one before she concentrated on teaching me the right hand reverse. When I told my son he said the AA never taught him that and it wasnt in the test. Is this true? This lady has been an instructor for several years so she would know if I did need it or not but my son has sowed doubt in my mind and I am wary after the last instructor.




  1. Amongst the rest, you will be examined on two reversing exercises. The reversing exercises will be chosen from:

    reversing around a corner

    turning in the road

    reverse parking

    Technically you COULD be examined on the right-hand reverse, but it is inevitably done to the left.  The reason for this is that it is invariably impracticable to find a "slot" in the traffic to cross over and carry out the right-hand manoeuvre.

  2. The right reverse is very rarely given but they CAN give it. Your instructor is absolutely right to teach you how to do it - can you imagine the embarrassment of being the one in a million to be asked to do it on your test, and you had no idea what they were talking about?

    In my opinion, any instructor who fails to teach his pupil this manoeuvre is being somewhat remiss to say the least.

    You will be given two of:

    Left or right reverse around a corner (but not both)

    Turn in the road

    Parallel park or bay park (but not both)

    The emergency stop is not one of the 'manoeuvres' - you have about a one in three chance of being asked to do it, regardless of which other two manoeuvres you are asked to do.

    So, your instructor is doing the right thing.

    You can click here for more information on the right reverse:

    Best of luck :-)

  3. Yes a reverse around a corner is a manoeuvre in a driving test. I did numerous lessons on it as I was awful!

  4. in the UK a driving test will test you on two of 5 things:

    emergency stop

    reverse round a corner (usually to your left though - i've never been taught to reverse round a corner to the right)

    turn in the road (3 point turn as it used to be known)

    parallel park

    reverse bay park

    in my first test I had an emergency stop and then a reverse bay park.  in my second test I had a turn in the road and a reverse bay park (he was going to do a parallel park, but the car owner decided to get in and drive off!)

    just because your son didn't have it on his test doesn't mean it will or won't come up on yours.  a reverse to the left is likely to come up, but a reverse to the right..... it's not usually taught in the first place!  it might be your instructor wants to teach it so that you have it as a skill once you've passed your test.  who are you learning with?

  5. yes correct, and you must use mirrors,dont afraid and be relax, that s piece of cake

  6. Also one of them in Malaysia - also Figure-8, Slope driving and road test (signals and manoeuvring exam).

  7. Yes, it is part of the test.

    The 3 are:

    reverse round a corner

    turn in the road

    parallel park.

    Good luck with your test!

  8. Yes. It is part of the driving test. Dont forget all the other bits, turning around in the road, emergency stop etc. Good luck.

  9. It is very, very unlikely that this will come up in your driving test.  It is more for van drivers.

    It is handy to know the manoeuvre, but not essential.

    My boyfriend is a driving instructor and none of his pupils have ever had to do it in a test, and unless asked by the pupil he doesn't often teach it.

    Don't worry, and good luck for your test. x

    edit for Boy Wonder - reverse round a corner as a standard manoeuvre is the left-reverse.  The right reverse is very different and when you cross the flow of traffic.

  10. there is a left hand reverse and a right hand reverse

    both of which could come up in test but you are more likely to be asked the left hand reverse

    get the dsa official guide to driving  it has everything you need to know in it and is well worth the money it costs about 14 quid  and you  can get it from whsmiths

  11. No, not in this country.

  12. No.  If you are doing a right hand reverse then you would be travelling the wrong way down the road.  One of the maoevres in the test is a left hand reverse.

  13. Yes, it is part of the test

  14. Don't worry Chelly - you are not being ripped off here!

    You CAN be examined on either a left or right reverse - although the right reverse is more common in vans as they don't usually have a rear window to look through and so can't reverse left safely.

    It is extremely unlikely (but not impossible) that you would get a right reverse on a test. However - remember this, a right reverse into a Parking bay is exactly the same manoever as the right reverse around a corner, so if you have bay parking at your test centre you may need to right reverse.

    If not, don't dwell on the right reverse , at least you have peace of mind when you sit the test. Good Luck by the way.

  15. Not a right hand in reverse in England it would be a left hand instead

  16. You can be asked to perform two of the following

    Emergency stop

    Reverse round a corner

    Turn in the road

    Parallel park

    Reverse bay park

    Luckily I wasn't asked to reverse around a corner in my test (2004) because I just couldn't get it right! I was being prepared for a parallel park (not one of my best manoeuvres) when a woman came out of her house and got into the car I was going to parallel! I got away with turn in the road and reverse bay park.

    BTW Good Luck

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