
Is the sacred Hadeda Ibis a sacred bird in South Africa or Africa?

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Is this correct that it is supposed to be a sacred bird?




  1. All Ibises are considered sacred. Not only South Africans believe this. Many other cultures in Africa and around the world regard it as such. The ibis is thought to represent wisdom.

    Ibises eat poisonous snakes and are therefore considered to be the protector of man in the wild. In Egypt the ibis is even considered the SAVIOR of man because of this. A Jesus-like animal that saves man from Satan (the snake from the Garden of Eden). The ibis is also one of the noisiest animals in the world. One can almost say that it wants to warn others about something. That is indeed the case since the ibis somehow knows when to expect floods and other natural disasters. One can argue that Jesus also came to tell everyone about the true God in a similar way, by telling everyone to tell everyone and scream it from the mountain top.

    Some also regard the ibis as a Moses-like figure. The ibis lives near swamps and hides in reeds. The same as how Moses was kept hidden from the Pharaoh. Moses grew up to become the savior of the Israelites when he led them to the promised land.

    The beak of the ibis looks somewhat like an ancient pen that was dipped in ink to write with and that's also why some thought it to be representative of wisdom.

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