
Is the sad little dirty sliver of soap in the restrooms the same one the employees use?

by Guest10837  |  earlier

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Meg, if you are asking me which restaurants I eat at because you want to hook up with me, forget it. I'm seriously considering becoming g*y for the summer.




  1. Probably, but if it's a restaurant they have a cleaner sink and better soap in the back.

  2. If it's a small restaurant, more than likely that's the only restroom available.

    However, most restaurants have another sink is the back which has to have soap according to health codes.

    If it's a huge corporate restaurant, they have their own restroom in the back.

  3. I think most public restroom facilities have liquid pump soap nowadays. I can't remember a time I have ever encountered a bar of soap any place other than my bathroom. May I ask where this was? And usually employees have different restrooms than patrons.

  4. Where have you been going??

    I haven't seen an actual bar of soap in a public bathroom in ages!!

    Always a dispenser of liquid or foam stuff these days.

    Maybe you should change the places that you frequent, cuz if they're cutting corners on soap what else are the skimping on??


  5. No way that would be gross. just water and a little brush on the ol'work apron is just fine!

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