
Is the setting wrong on my breast pump?

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I am trying to pump to store the milk as I am trying to wean my daughter off of the breast but still want her to get the milk. The problem is when I try to pump the milk doesn't flow down into the bottle. It doesn't seem to be flowing down at all. It comes out the top of the suction cup things you put on your b*****s and all over me! It seems like such a waste of good milk. Am I pumping at too strong a setting or too low? Has this happened to anyone else? I've tried self expressing the milk but only one side will cooperate and it's a hit or miss there too. I know I have a well established supply, I just don't know how to get this pumping thing to work. HELP!




  1. What kind of pump are you using?  It's not the setting but it shouldn't be doing that.

  2. What kind of pump do you have? I have a Lanisoh Double Electric and don't seem to have the problem. Sometimes if I am not leaned far enough forward for it to drain the milk stores up around the nipple area and the slightest  move will sorta of break the suction and spill it all over me. Unfortuneatly you have to lean forward in a less than comfortable way to keep it draining into the bottle.  

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