
Is the show paranormal state real?

by  |  earlier

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i am watching it on the A/E channel. and if this stuff is real then thats nuts. it cliams to have ghosts opening doors and footsteps. seems kind of fake to me. what do you guys think?




  1. I think your impressions are accurate.

  2. i think it's safe

  3. I watched some of it and fell asleep. It wasnt as good as I thought it would be-it seemed that they were more focused on the boy being a clairvoyent than actually contacting the spirit of Timmy.  I do remember when they were in the basement and the little boy rounded the corner and abruptly backed up because he said he could see "Timmy" around that corner. That was kinda freaky. I think it will get better. If not, then "Ghost Hunters International" starts January 8 on Sci-Fi.

  4. blah, boring and fake..... our version of "haunted" the British boring show...:)

  5. I think the producers of the show want people to think the paranormal is real.

  6. i don't know if it is since i have nvr seen it but i will look in to it. is it good?


  7. Wow.. we we the only 2 people to watch???

    I haven't made up my mind if they are for real or not. I do believe in hauntings and have had  experiences in several different places that we captured pics and evps at. I know this, until you have an experience that you know to be something paranormal its hard to just trust someone saying they did. Your mind wants to say that thats indeed nuts. Sometimes even after you have a 1st hand encounter you still say its nuts. In time the show will prove its self one way or the other.

  8. Some of the English shows I watch (being from the UK) are quite obviously staged in my opinion so obviously I  don't watch them any more, but I did see a couple of the USA ones they are excellent I don't think they are staged, the USA does do that best.

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