
Is the static (piping) sounds that my TV is maing dangerous?

by  |  earlier

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Everytime I turn off my TV, it makes a piping sound. When I tried to go near it, the screen is attracting the hairs from my arm. I've observed that the longer it's been on, the stronger the attraction of the static of the screen. It also fades away after a few seconds (depending on the length the TV has been on).

Could this be dangerous? Can it lead to fire or explosions?

I just noticed it last week.

Thanks in advance!




  1. No, not at all. The POPPING sounds are the "Air Charge" that occurs from the High Voltage....your hairs are attracted because the field is developed on the other side of the glass, and you're IN the electrostatic field's GROUND PLATE....

    Yes, capacitors have two plates.... + and -    , and you're in the - plate....

  2. Ii dont think so, my 50" plasma screen does it too and when its on for ages it make a weird ringing sound.

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