
Is the statue of liberty a man?

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It may sound strange (really strange actually) but my friend says it is because those days men wore togas. That was a good point but I want to prove that the statue of liberty is a woman! And now I need proof that it is a woman!

P.S: The only proof i know that it is a gift from the French!




  1. It is surely a woman since it was made by Bartholdi who was french and french represent the liberty as a woman

  2. The statue of liberty is a woman. She was a gift from france in 1886, and by the way they were way past wearing togas in those days.

    Here is the link to the official website that gives the whole history:

    Show your friend as proof =)

  3. Its a woman alright. Just look at her delicate features and curves!

    Seriously, its a stola she is wearing, the female equivilant of a toga. The statue is that of a Roman Goddess called Libertas, who was the God of freedom from tyranny and opression. Hence the name, the statue of Liberty

  4. She's got b*****s, she's got long hair (men wore their short), she represents 'Liberty lighting the world' and as said above Liberty in French is a feminine word (La liberté).

    As well, Bartholdi needed a permit to built the statue and this is the description he wrote for that permit :

    permit D11,023

    'A statue representing Liberty lighting the world, which is made of a feminine figure wrapped (in a stola) with a raised arm, holding a torch, and holding with the other arm an engraved tablet, and with a crown on its head...'

    If you want the text in French:

    Brevet D11,023

    'Une statue représentant la Liberté éclairant le monde, qui consiste, fondamentalement en un personnage féminin drapé, avec un bras levé, portant une torche, alors que l'autre tient une tablette gravée, et avec un diadème sur la tête...'

  5. They call her

    Lady Liberty

    think that says it all... ;)

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