
Is the stock market crashing slowly?

by Guest57397  |  earlier

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I mean its at its lowest point since Aug 2006 and still going down.




  1. Were in a bear market right now.

  2. Not the stock market is not crashing, only if you listed to the newsmedia.

    There are many bargins out there, and if you're a long term investor they afford a good opportunity.   You just have to be very selective and buy into companies that have stong financials and whose numbers have been getting better for at least 5 years.  So if you buy quality you can be ok

  3. no

    Quite simply, the market is in a panic like state. People think the world is coming to an end and therefore are liquidatiing their assets assuming that the market will continue to decline to zero. Well lets be honest, we know the market will not go to zero. There are plenty of buys and beaten up stocks that could be purchased with a near gaurauntee of a decent return. For example KO (coca cola), is down to 51, this stock , as well as PEP Pepsi have been beaten up quite badly. A turnaround of 15% in one year is a great possibility. Stocks such as John Deere, or Burlington Rails, Cummins, etc. All stocks that are current value plays. In times like these occur, it is those who invest wisely that obtain the lucrative returns. Dollar cost average a 3 or 4 buy position on the way down. Pick some up every decline of 3-5%. Consider the stock market in a yearly sale. Pick the biggest bang for the buck items off the rack! Hold the positions until you recieve your return, unless of course the company's future prospects are unattractive. Lastly, do your research.  Good Luck!

  4. I think we are in a market like 1973-1974 which was a very bad bear market.  If you look at that one, there was a wicked, wicked "sucker's rally" in the middle before it went even lower to finally bottom out.  I think we may be getting close to there.  It is very dangerous times.  There will be a lot of people who never want to touch the stock market again by the time this is all over, and I don't think it will all be over until late next year.

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