
Is the sun burning out???its so cold in the north east..?

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Is the sun burning out???its so cold in the north east..?




  1. No.  The sun is not burning out, although the entire world is seeing changes in weather patterns due to Global warming.  Dry seasons are dryer, severe weather is more severe, etc.  Expect the winter to be colder for short periods of time.  Things are changing, but the world has always changed on a daily basis.

  2. If global warming were real, why is it colder in the winter than in the summer? Shouldn't each day be slightly warmer than the day before?

    And other stupid pieces of propaganda that Republicans think that you are stupid enough to believe.

  3. Just wait another 5 billion years and then it will be reality.

  4. I've noticed a change in seasons because of global warming.  May is the new April...   Rainy and Cold.   Whereas in September and October stays warmer longer, and also in the fall the temp basically drops from 70-80 degrees one night to 30-40 the next because of global warming.

  5. I know, but as you see from the person who answered first. The AGW believers try to pin that on Global Warming too. They're so brainwashed by all this that I bet when the next ten years are consistently colder than the one before it they will still claim that the global climate is warming not cooling. Or if they do realize we are in a cooling trend they will find away to blame it on Global Warming.

  6. One day the sun will burn, so technically speaking it is burning out.  When that day arrives, the earth will be a lot colder then the current cold spell your feeling in the northeast.  The good news, the sun will be around for a long time, some estimates are at 5 billions years.

  7. No it is not if anything it is getting warmer over there. The snow is thinner and the sun still has over 5,000,000,000 to live (literally)

  8. no

  9. its your brain burning out....yes it is... in a billion years we are going to be in trouble

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