
Is the teacup Yorkie-poo a good dog choice for me?

by Guest67026  |  earlier

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I am think it would be a good dog for me. I love small dogs, I need one that requires minimum grooming attention, but loves being held and taken places. It also has to be friendly with people (mostly teenagers, but they're very friendly) and pets (including bigger dogs and 2 cats). I would be able to walk it a lot (5-6 days a week, about 15-30 minutes a day). Would this be a good choice? Do you know anything that I should know about this breed?




  1. Teacup you say? Well it would be a good choice if you are very very rich. "teacup" anythings have a lot of health problems, they are sick runts irresponsible breeders sell for a huge amount of money. Some have sick ways of trying to produce the smallest pup possible.

    You'll end up with either a dead puppy or tens of thousands of dollars in vet bills.

    sorry, but I don't think a Teacup Yorkie poo is the right dog for you

  2. It's not a good choice for anyone because it doesn't technically exist.

  3. No.

    For one thing, it's not a breed. Teacup anythings are just overpriced runts. Yorkie-poos are overpriced crossbreds.

    Even a Yorkie would be a bad choice for you. They need a lot of grooming, and not all that much exercise.

  4. 1. Not a breed, it's a mutt.  If you're getting it from anyone calling it a Yorkiepoo instead of a Yorkshire Terrier / Poodle mix, or paying more than a shelter adoption fee, you're being ripped off by an unscrupulous 'greeder'.

    2. This is a mix of two dogs with high-maintenance grooming needs.  Therefore this mix = a lot of grooming!

    3. Anything called a 'teacup' is a runt, plain and simple.  People call them that to get more $ for what is, essentially, a walking vet bill on legs in almost all cases.  These excessively small dogs have problems with hypoglycemia, heart defects, joint abnormalities, spinal deformities, the list goes on and on.  Hypoglycemia is pretty much a given with any 'teacup'.  Will you be there every few hours to give it tons of teeny tiny meals for its whole puppyhood, or, if you are especially unlucky, the rest of its life, so it does not go into hypoglycemic shock, slip into a coma, and die?  Or, you could be one of the many people who pay $5000 for a 'teacup', only to find out what you end up with as the dog ages is a dog that's much larger than even the breed standard for either the Toy Poodle or Yorkie allows.

    4. No 'teacup' can ever ever ever be alone with a kid, or a large dog.  One drop, one paw placed wrong, one kid falling on it can mean a broken bone or a dead dog.  

    Please rethink this...

  5. Okay, I'm not going to be mean to you, like I think some people tend to get when they are pointing things out, there ARE better ways to do it than all caps and yelling with exclamation points out the wahoo etc. No, the "teacup yorkie-poo" is not a good choice for you because yorkies and poodles need a LOT of grooming and the puppy you get will likely have very.... odd hair texture, which will make it mat very easily. No "teacup" dog is good for larger dogs, as it's been stated before, larger dogs are rather clumsy and don't know their own strength. And like some stated before, the personality of the dog, as far as liking to be held and travelling is really up to the puppy's personality, how it was raised and how you treat it. A better choice for you would be something like a standard sized short haired chihuahua, a pug, a jackrussell (they are cute but very rugged dogs) or other short haired small dogs, try to avoid so called "teacups" regardless of how you feel about them and their health, they are just too small to mix with larger dogs Period.

  6. This isnt a "breed" at all!

    "teacups" anythings do not exist!  Its a marketing ploy used by irresponsible breeders to sell unhealthy runts for a high price.  Many dont live more than a few years because they are riddled with health problems!

    A "yorkie-poo" is a MUTT!  Its a mix of yorkie and poodle.   Both breeds have long coats that require daily brushing to prevent matting, and also require a trip to the groomer every 6 weeks or so..  if you want "minimum grooming".. then you need to seek a short-haired breed.

    Not all dogs love to be held and taken places..  it just depends on the individual dog.  Dogs are not meant to be toted around everywhere like an accessory either.

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