
Is the terrorism in the world an out come of injustice done by privilaged society to less privilaged society?

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Is the terrorism in the world an out come of injustice done by privilaged society to less privilaged society?




  1. That is the excuse given by radical Muslims.  Really, they just hate infidels and or on a mission of religious cleansing.

  2. Radicals really do even need a reason.  Do they?  The name of a teddy bear causes call for execution?  Enough said?

  3. never. terrorism nothing else but some sort of mental un equilibrium of isolated group of people who dare to think above what ever taught to them.

  4. No thats called as revolution or freedom struggle. Terrorism is basically based on philosophy "we are right and you dont have any rights to life" so you get killed,tortured,raped .. by terrorists who dont care two hoots for you or anyone else besides themselves.

    Its more like organized crimes except that the claimed loyalty is more to some faith rather than money.

  5. This is Music to the ears of terrorists.Under the excuse of injustice and religion they want to grab what they can.

  6. Your question has the answer

  7. dear blessed one,

    blessed love,

    terrorism !it is simply because of wrong way of being in the world. lack of prayer, surrender &righteous action resulting in chaos&disorder in people's lives.


    sw. maa

  8. Not exactly,

    It is a bi product produced while competiting for super power position,

    when Russia was broken then Osama-bin-la din played a major role but who created him..........& for what.....................

    from where taliban came in....whos baby it is -. - . - & - - - - - - -

    what is its purpose....................

    from where & how it gets support....................

    its not a religious fight its the deplomatic use of some negative elements, for personal gains.

    if the situation of Palastine is considered then we can say that they are less privilaged & thats why they are fighting......for Indepandance...........

    God bless them peace & freedom.

  9. It could well be the impetus rather than the outcome.  The way men treat women in many less privileged societies (like most of the Muslim world) creates bad karma that invites injustice into their lives.

  10. It is not true. Terrorists have no religion, no nationality, no faith ,no emotions. They try to grab power by brainwashing young people, some times in the name of religion sometimes by bribing.

  11. when hitler killed so many jews every body's mouth was shut with fear, & i can point that christianity also teaches terrorism...jews killed so many innocents that you know....hindus kill so many innocents....muslims also,but whatever it goes to muslim,if he does a right thing no body will be happy if he does a bad thing it will be spread throgh out the world...but no religion tell us to kill anybody you like.

  12. Partly true but terrorism cannot be justified.

  13. Osama bin Laden came from a rich family, so how can that be true?

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