
Is the thought of killing ur self NORMAL .

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I am not saying that i am going to kill my self i just have thoughts and it seems to be in my head alot i draw pictures of it alot and i just hate Life all together i am aways wishing i am dead what do you think give me your opoinion ...all i do is sleep my life away , when i get mad i take over the counter meds (lots of it ) i know i need help ...... but my thoughts seem to be getting worse




  1. no its not prbly hav some hormonal inbalance  that is not under your control. your are not a freak just try seeing a phsyciatrist of some sort. :)

  2. Suicidal thoughts are never normal. You should get evaluated  for depression by your doctor or a psychiatrist.

    I had the suicidal thoughts over a year ago and they kept becoming more frequent and they were looking better and better each time.

    I'm glad that my doctor prescribed an antidepressant for me. It blocked the thoughts and allowed me to benefit from my counseling.

  3. Well, no, it's definitely NOT NORMAL. However, I guess I know where you're coming from. I have issues of my own. But I don't see the point of ending something when it's only the beginning. You still have your whole life ahead of you. For your anger-management, instead of taking drugs, why don't you find another way to release your anger? Like, drawing? Well drawing .. happy things .. I guess it's normal for people to think that they want to die because, in their mind, they don't believe they can solve through ytheir problems, but, if they have enough will-power, then they'll find another way to solve their problems. Death isn't the answer. Personally, when I get into some deep **** with people, I sometimes wish I was a rock. Or a bird. But, hey, who said life was easy?

  4. um i dont think its normal

    u should see someone to talk too

  5. no that is not normal,,,,, go see a dr

  6. Sounds like you may be clinically depression, you may even have manic depression. I would go to the doctor or a psychiatrist right away and get help. If you don't get on some depression meds soon, you may carry those thoughts out one day. That is no way to live, and medicine would make you feel a lot better.

    Good luck. I hope this helps.

  7. Not to say you are crazy, but having thoughts of killing yourself is NOT NORMAL AT ALL. I mean it doesn't even sound normal. A lot of people go through depression, and maybe even thinking like life is to much for them and they think that killing there self will help. AND IF DOESN'T!! & NEVER WILL...

    If you really want to help yourself and see what is really going on, and to get some answers and you actually just need somebody to talk to. Maybe you need to do a 51/50 evaluation to see maybe there's some REALLY a lot of people are scared and ashamed to get help and think people might think differently of them. Think there are Normal people in this world such as DOCTORS,on-line PEOPLE,  TEACHERS, PEOPLE OF HIGH STANDARD, that go through the same problems. BUT to know what going on with you its free and theres sites online that you can reseach to try and get some help.

    Now if you DONT HELP YOURSELF NOBODY IT GOING TO HELP YOU...Then yeah wanting to kill youself will sound normal to you....

    either way good luck...and REMEMBER NOBODY CAN HELP YOUSELF BUT YOU!!!

  8. listen, for one thing, nothing is normal.

    now, the thought of killing/hurting your self is actually quite common. you're be no means alone.

    so, i don't know if the "reality check" works for you the way it did for me, but here it goes

    You have the potential to do great things. Nice things, good things. every single person does. you should live up that potential. get help. then find somethign you love. a hobby, maybe. then use what you love to actually help people.

    dont' sulk or feel sorry for yourself because thats a waste of time. you weren't born for You, you were born for the rest of the world. to help it.

    so get going. :)  

  9. Hey I wouldn't say that your thoughts of killing yourself are considered normal, but it is not a rare situation. I would highly recommend  see a counselor/ or shrink. I understand where you are coming, you sleep often because you want to escape reality. Do not brush your issues away talk to someone close to you, that loves you or a complete stranger (seriously).

    Best Wishes!

  10. i've also had these thoughts in black periods of my life and all i can say is it will get better.  the night is always darkest before dawn.  its easier to say than do but you need to keep yourself active because it takes your mind of things and also when keeping yourself active you tend to find you meet new people/do new things and generally will become happier.  just keep going - things WILL get better

  11. sounds like you need to go to church, sometimes it can be normal but its not GOOD, try going to church, reading a Bible, and how can you 'sleep' your life away? well all i know is that any problem can be solved with Christ

  12. whoa... crazy i suggest you check your self in a nut house or go see a doctor dam!!

  13. No, that's not normal.

    National Runaway Switchboard and Suicide Hotline 1-800-621-4000 Teen Runaways & Their Parents


    Suicide & Crisis Hotline 1-800-999-9999 Help for Troubled Teens

    National Hope Line Network 1-800-784-2433 Suicide Prevention


    Talk Zone 1-800-475-TALK Peer Counselors

    Teen Help Line 1-800-400-0900 Help Line For Troubled Teens

    Teen Hot Line 1-800-747-8336 Hot Line For Troubled Teens

    VOICES In Action, Inc. 1-773-327-1500

    Youth Development International 1-800-HIT-HOME (448-4663) Youth Crisis Hotline

    National Crisis Line 1-800-334-4357 Crisis Help Line

    National Youth Crisis Hotline 1-800-448-4663 Youth Crisis Hotline

    Survivor Resources

    American Psychological Association

    "Managing Traumatic Stress: Tips for Recovering From Disasters and Other Traumatic Events"

  14. NO!! that's the first stage in suicide. talk to someone about it and try to find a doctor or therapist

  15. no, its not normal. i have never thought about ending my life. life is too precious for that and i'm sorry you are going through a lot of troubles. If i may suggest i think you should find a good therapist or even a good friends to help you and talk you through your problems. good luck sweetheart. remember...once you hit rock bottom things can only get better. dont give up.

  16. I used to have a constant urge to kill myself, I was suffering from clinical depression.

    You should speak to your doctor, suicidal thoughts are a symptoms of clinical depression.

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