
Is the thunderstorm currently hitting the Detroit area in response to Game Five?

by  |  earlier

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garb - rethink your response and edit it




  1. I'm guessing the thunderstorms is God's way of saying "34 seconds away from the Cup and you let THAT happen?"

    And God's displeasure at all the Red Wings fans that have called in sick, went into work late, or like me am taking my company's money by doing nothing because I am too tired to do my job.  Oops.  I'll go pray.

  2. Pittsburgh wins !!!!

  3. Darn those Penguins!

    (Does Garb stand for GARBAGE????) Nice attitude.

  4. Pardon me for being angry.  Man you guys take c**p way too seriously here.

    It wasn't a joke, more like a gar type of reaction.

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