
Is the top priority of the republican party protecting the wealth of the wealthy?

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And everything else - reform, change, peace, prosperity, civil rights, the environment, etc. - just an afterthought as long as the primary goal is met?




  1.'s goal is to try and set up a system where anyone who wants to can strive to achieve financial wealth. Our constitution promises opportunity, it doesn't guarantee results. A system that allows Americans to hold onto more of their own money by lowering taxes. A system that does not believe in redistribution of wealth that will only blunt incentives to create jobs and additional opportunities. A system that recognizes that all "big business" is not the enemy as they create jobs and produce products we need and want. Basically, the republicans do NOT believe in socialism as today's Democrats do...

    EDIT: hey Uhlan, if you and your Lib friends feel you need to pay more taxes, you go right ahead, nobody including the Gov't will stop you.

  2. Republicans want to let the rich keep what they earn, the democrats want to steal from them. Theft is theft, it is WRONG to steal (and I am NOT wealthy, at least not with money)

    As for that 'fair share' BS, thats like a street thug complaining that the people he robs don't want to give him their 'fair share'.

    Conservatives give MORE than liberals when it comes to charity......that is GIVING, not theft!

  3. No, it's protecting an ordered framework of individual liberty.

    Unfortunately for many on the left, asking for handouts from others with more initiative and drive doesn't fit into that scheme.

    History has proven time and time again that redistributive statism does not work.

  4. Jealous of successful people, huh? How's that working for you?

  5. Yes

  6. Why yes....yes it is.

    and if the other ones do not happen...oh well they accomplished the first one.

    *tsk tsk*

  7. I live in a rural area of north mich, mostly full time retirees, laborers and tourist.

    I'm a moderate republican who files just above the poverty line and others up here may be a little better off but not real wealthy.

    And most are for McCain not as a money issue but for abortion and other issues we dont care for like alternative lifestyles and allowing them marriage rights.

    In fact the most wealthy people I meet and being in buisness I meet alot of them are the younger yuppie crowd or retired proffessers and alumni that are all Obama.

  8. It seems so.

  9. the top priority is to protect the OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERYONE to pursue happiness, however one may define it.

    EDIT:come on, man!!  partisan hackery?  and i took you seriously.  d**n, i feel like a fool.

  10. The top priority of the republican party is control of the lower classes and protection of wealth is the reason for this priority.  So my answer is yes to your question.  

  11. Unfortunately, the party of "Lincoln" has been in disgrace during this current administration.However,  I think the Bush/Cheney years will be looked at as a strange anomaly from the vantage point of history. With the waning influence of the Republican right wing, the party has a chance to recover its soul and return to  more moderate views.

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