
Is the united nations a waste of effort?

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Nothing seems to be done by this organisation that is of any effective use, they have proved time and again, they are toothless, is that not so?.




  1. The UN has always been a waste.  They were established to destroy freedom and enslave the masses.

    Congress wisely rejected the UN and other organizations like it for decades, but chickened out with WWII.  

    The sooner we get out, the sooner we can regain some of our lost freedoms.  Just wait until this lousy congress passes the L.O.S.T. treaty and we will really be in big trouble!  You turn the oceans over to the UN and commerce will really be messed up.

  2. yes

  3. i dont see it as a wasted effort. i just wish that the world leaders would wake up to the fact that there are people who will only respect  force. theres no use p***y footing around them using kid gloves.

  4. It costs us a fortune and was a terrible idea from the start.

    We should close it.

  5. I can't entirely agree with you, 'cause over the decades they have done some good work, and you are right in some respects it does'nt work 100% but what does!

  6. I believe UNICEF is a great asset to the world....

  7. No, every Superpower should cooperate wuth the UN too.

  8. The United Nation is like a sporting arena. It is a place for nations to blow off steam without going to war.  It is not always successful, but it is not a waste off time.

    The U.N. has helped resolve many disputes. Has helped in the establishment of new nations and new regimes.

    The U.N. has successfully provided independent monitoring and policing in many areas.

    The U.N. is a major provider of aid, and also protects other aid agencies in vital humanitarian work.

    The World Health Organisation is part of the U.N.  It is vital in defending you against disease epidemics,  monitoring polution etc.  When the next lethal strain of flu sweeps the world, your future will be in their hands.

  9. yes

    it should join the league of nations in the  failed orginizations graveyard

  10. Democracy is often an inefficient and frustrating process but what choice do we have but to keep fumbling through the process?

    Of course it would all go a lot better if more nations were actually trying to cooperate but at least some of them are.

    It may seem to be a waste of effort but no effort to try to bring peace to the world is a waste.  We waste so much time and effort on unimportant things, why not waste a little more time and effort on the one thing that would benefit the whole planet?  World peace.

    Peace out.

  11. Does the Pope wear a tall hat?

  12. Basically yeah, they just put sanctions on you but what good are those if they can't enforce them.  Like cops not being able to chase you after asking you to pull over, everyone would just speed off and not pay their tickets.

  13. The United Nations was formed just after Hitlers attempt to take over the world.

    If was formed from the nations that apposed him and has grown from there.

    I guess you would need to know the history the meaning and their gaols to make the determination if its a waist of time.

    No one has taken over the world yet guess its a success.

    I don't see how open communication can be classified as failure or unsuccessful. We as a nation complain when we are doing things everyone else in the world is apposed to and we then we complain.

  14. Nothing that will bring us all together, as one unit, is a waste of time.This will never be allowed to happen,the power mongers behind the scenes will always keep us all in separate factions,making us easier to manipulate.Religion and the stirring of national or racial emotions ,are the prime tools of population manipulation,we will never all be as one with each other,whilst our ignorance blinds us.

  15. They have a great army, but are poorly lead,mixing different nations is o/k, but at best they work along side each other in reality they want to go their own way, a bit like Britain and its immigrants.They have limited support no real power and can't direct the billions into the right areas,Afghanistan is a prime example the Taliban are forcing the pace, If that conflict is to be settled either compromise and talk with the savage b******s, or lose.The Russians couldn't beat them and nether will we the same go's for Iraq

    the best we can hope its a limited success, and 5 years after we leave there will be a coup, and yes you've guest it their back. Britain has the best armed forces in the world bar none,

  16. They hve always been toothless, nothing to back them up, even their troops are worthless!

  17. No conscious effort is wasted.

    If it wasn't for the league of nations, which was a flop, we would not try something new like the United Nations, and even if that fails we will learn by our mistakes and find something even better.  In principle there is nothing wrong with the theory, it just doesn't work in practice.  This is due to 'go it alone' cowboys like G W Bush, who emasculated the UN and all it stood for by invading Iraq. If the USA is attacked he is the first to run crying to the UN.

  18. they are unfortunately totally toothless concerning the innumerable violations perpetrated by the rogue state israel,who should be brought to reason by military intervention.

  19. Solar Power required to bring peace to stop Mineral, Oil Wars in world. United Nations if effective would be labeled evil incarnate by interests  accused of heinous acts believed by many to have actually occured. Solar Power Anti--War, education against war horrors platform what requitee U.N. cannot do alone cannot be effective with current war favouring policies. Is like quicksand for U.N. Are citizens of world tooth less no they have teeth. How about Solar Power Movement use teeth of that to sink into War.

  20. the bushman showed them who was's another trough for the pigs to feed at

  21. It may not be working as we would wish it could but it is doing its part in ways that cannot be otherwise done.

  22. They are designed to be toothless. No one wants a supranational entity that could infringe upon or impose its will on a sovereign nation. If it did, how many times do you think it would tell the US what to do? It is a good forum for discussion, and it has important cultural and social components, e.g., world heritage sites, UNESCO, and if it wasn't for the UN, it wouldn't be required for all air traffic controllers all over the world to speak English. What a mess that would be if they didn't.

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