
Is the united states going to start drafting people?

by Guest45066  |  earlier

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who will be drafted? jw. i'm not worried. i'm thinking about joining draft or not.




  1. No it will not start.

    Guys 18-26 are the most likely to be drafted.  

    Women do not have to register for the draft.

  2. No, we are not. We have more than enough volunteers.

  3. Girls don't qualify for the selective service system, I don't think.

  4. If they keep starting up more wars they are going to have to. They want to start one with Iran, they are getting Russia mad at them and so on. They will start with the youngest and go from there. 18, 19 year olds will be drafted first. They say they will never start another draft but at the rate they are going to war, I will not be supprised if it happens within 5 or so years if not sooner.

  5. Only for sports team or when you are riding a bike.

  6. I doubt it but I do have to chuckle when I listen to the radio and hear the commercial where a kid shows up to pick up a chick for a date and the father grills him about registering for selective service.

    If we aren't drafting why waste the cash ? Census takings ? It's a silly law, it's required that you sign up but they could just automatically sign you up.

  7. Woman are not included in selected services, so woman won't be drafted. Woman cannot register for selected services.

    Whom ever is the idiot who is giving the thumbs down for the people who said that is wrong wrong wrong.

    Drafts are started when troop levels are being depleted and enlistment numbers are to low.

    Enlistment in our military are high right now and troop levels are low but current enlistments numbers have not gone down so there is need need to worry about a draft.

  8. when there is a draft, you wouldn't have a chance to think about joining or not.

    and there is no draft in the US

  9. No..A draft is not needed..

  10. very highly doubtful

    When the sun rises in the east, its going to be a good day

  11. we have patriotic volunteers so a draft is not necessary at this time. All citizens have a duty to protect the freedom of this nation. It is not a thing you do if drafted, it is an obligation. The draft is set up fairly so not every one will be chosen, just enough to fill the requirements.Today, being in the military is just signing a contract with the government and is like a regular job . There are risks, but all jobs have those. Usually you don't have someone trying to kill you, but you can shoot back. Also, only a small percent of the enlistees are sent into danger and there are many learning opportunities to gain from service, and the G.I. bill helps pay for college, plus other benefits.

  12. you go girl

    and thank you in advance for serving our country

    oh please Russia has been mad at us since WW2

    its tail end kickers like Reagan( may flights of angels sing him to his rest) who kept them under control

  13. The United States will never draft unless it is a true domestic crisis; like another country invading us. But if that was to ever happen I don't think we will need to draft. :)

  14. It might be a good way to reduce unemployment when the recession hits in 6 months or so.

  15. Do you even know what a draft is? It's when a countries military isn't strong enough in numbers and the government has to start making young men age 18 and up join the military to fight...last time I checked our country was a super power and we're doing pretty darn good on numbers

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