
Is the united states of america evil or what?

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America enslave blacks for 300 years, Kill off the native american, America is the what cause 9/11. Bush send soilder into iraq just get killed.




  1. how about you spew some of youre ignorant filth on a site where people care

  2. i don't think that the American people are evil, but the minority who have power are evil, this is not isolated to America though, it is in every part of the world, where a minority are powerful and abuse their power and are corrupt and evil

  3. yup. it's evil.

  4. america is NOT evil  some of the people living in it are the sums of all evil  this country was once great but now idk i will always  love my country  especially the great state of texas and GOD bless my fellow americans who have not forgotten  compassion and integrity  just remember there is alot of good people in this country

  5. I dont know about everyone being evil we just have some of the wrong people doing things that makes it seem that way.

  6. Yeah America is really stupid and evil. I think I wanna move to Canada

  7. No, just stupid and greedy. Mostly stupid in your case.

  8. Heck yeah America is evil. Perhaps I've been listening to a bit too much Anti-Flag (really great band) but I think that America has some MAJOR flaws.

  9. dont forget about the two bombs over japan

  10. On the contrary, if it were not for America, there would be a lot more evil in the world. You would be speaking German right now, by the way.

  11. Nope, not evil.

    Otherwise YOU'D be dead.

    Blacks enslaved blacks for over 2000 years.

    Native Americans murdered and ate each other for centuries before we came here.  WE at least left them Reservations.

    When we prove your connection to 9/11 your whining will stop quickly.

  12. Europe also enslaved Blacks and it was Blacks who rounded up their fellow Blacks and sold them to the shipmasters. America is not what caused 9/11. And war is h**l. You sound very young and uninformed. If America is that bad and you hate it so much, move to Iraq. See how evil that place is. No offense.

  13. WoW - look at most all countries and you will see that in there history many have done the same and had the same done to them -

    so yes We are evil - but so is everyone else - "no one is right when everyone is wrong"

    Dam good job - Locke

  14. almost all nations have been guilty of great injustices at some point in their history. i'm not justifying the u.s., i'm just saying that at heart, all humans, regardless of race or nationality, are evil.

  15. If you dont like it, take your socialist *** to the EU

    We are not evil, we saved the world once, twice, and will do it again.

    If people thought like you all do, you would be a British Subject.

    I will be NO ONES Subject

  16. Uhm it was Europeans that enslaved blacks and killed off the native ameicans lol. Well, i guess it was the americans who kept black enslaved, but it the Europeans who started it here and the Americans who eventually freed them. But have you seen what Hitler did? I think you need to check your sources. Bush is not JUST sending our soldiers into Iraq to get killed, he doesnt know what else to do. He is just dumb lol. But don't blame the whole country on his huge mistakes, not all of us voted for him. And WTF? America did NOT cause 9/11. Bush may have had an idea that it was going to happen beforehand, but America did not cause it. You REALLY need to check your sources.

    Don't you know what China did to its people?

  17. Sweetie...

    Please send your address....I'll get a group together and we will raise the funds needed to send you somewhere else.....

    Let us know...where it is...that is better....

    Can't wait to hear from you!!!

  18. How dare you.... you probably do not know anything about it. I go every Year, and can  tell you there are a lot of Americans  that are nice people, in whatever City you are in. So you think its better here..... dont make me laugh.. judging by what is going on around the UK with all the killings etc. this is getting very evil every day. You are living in cloud cuckoo land my friend, and you should look around , read the papers or listen to the news. Its like having another Al Capone... only on our shores.... get a life mate, and take off your rose tinted glasses.

  19. Americans are evil but better than any European country. Did you ever read their history.

  20. Now I was going to stick up for America then, but I read the above answer and must say that I have a degree in History and American History is shite compared to British history. For a start ours started being recorded almost a millenium before you even  declared independance and we took on Napoleon when you supported him. So ***** off you t**t.

  21. Dude, where did you learn your American History?  I think that you need to read and learn more about the complexities of American History before you rant off...crack open a book! or at least watch real news, like CNN...

  22. Well i'm Canadian and have never thought of your country as being evil, just corrupt poticians. Slavery was terrible and yes they killed the natives...but I believe it was under British rule, they were the ones that did the same in Canada as well. As for Iraq...there stealing the oil, plain and simply. Saddam was captured so why continue on??? and WMD...come on! a poor country like that????, like I said before the United States isnt evil...just their leaders.

  23. its not fair to say that america is evil, some people in high power here are evil, i will agree. but you cannot categorize america like that we also help billions of people with aid and resources.

  24. If you don't like the US just follow the trails the mexicans use to get here illegally and get your a** out

  25. America is so evil.When is the last time you saw a boat load of refugees rowing away from America?

  26. If the United States didn't exist then you would know real evil. Thanks to the USA you can write the c**p you just spewed without fear of retaliation.

  27. Americans are not evil, Republicans are...please get it straight....thank you. :)

  28. i wouldn't say the U.S is evil, just unpopular at the moment.  As for slavery, don't forget that the United States was a British colony until 1782 and slavery ended in 1865, that less than a hundred years by my count.  I can't talk **** about what we did to the Native Americans but I can say that almost every other country in the world is guilty of unjust conquest at one point or another not just the United States, he that is sinless can cast the first stone.  

    The cause of 9/11 is radical Islamic propaganda against the U.S and Israel mixed with mishandling of former European colonies after world war 2.  

    Nobody is happy with the Iraq war now but can I ask this?  Would anyone want Saddam back in power?

  29. the US government isn't everyone in the US

  30. No crawl back into your snake hole.

  31. While there are bad things about Americathere is something I like about America which are The Tall Ships like The Washington or The Bill Of Rights.  There is also this to consider. Canada gave information which had the result of torture being inflicted on MaharArar.  Another point Major Corporations know your home adress and your state,province, or town. If the wanted to send assassins to kill you they could. It is good though that they want your money instead and mine as well instead. Bush owns or did own part of a corporation so do many political candidates. So they can get your vote off the registration list and on it as well as kill you if they wish. Now it is possible to change the world through skill in art work . Computer made currency done by graphics. Community Currency and living in treetrunks. Reforestation and bulldozing shopping  malls plus  boycotting the products of major companies. Using your pop making skills and such to do. So let's make the world a better place.

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