
Is the universe really endless?? and if not what comes after?? ?

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we say all the time "everything must come to an end" but is that really true?? what about the universe?? or numbers ?? numbers are endless...




  1. Yes

  2. how about this.  what was here before the universe? if it was nothing.  how much nothing?  was the nothing endless?  infinity is just one of those really big things that we simply cannot get far enough away from to properly identify the shape of. so is it endless? h**l why not.  what comes after? probably another endless universe.  or nothing.  but how much nothing?

  3. Well, you're getting into semantics there...  That's why I liked the question!  As long as we are getting into semantics, you could use a mathematical set.  Set 'A' is all things in the universe (which is defined as 'everything') and set 'B' is all things not in the universe, which would be nothing.  That implies a logical limit between everything and nothing.  Same thing with numbers.  Set 'A' is all numbers.  Set 'B' is every non number.

    So, where do imaginary numbers come in?  Let's hear it for 'i'!


  4. If McDonald's and Wal-Mart do not come to an end, why is it hard to believe that the universe doesn't either?

  5. These questions keep most astrophysicists awake at night. Do be honest, sometimes I can't get to sleep thinking about the answers to these questions.

    The universe is not "endless" per-say... it is finite, but it is constantly expanding. So it has an end, but that end is constantly getting farther and farther away. Make sense?

    Edwin Hubble was the first to make stride towards answering this question with evidence, and not just wondering about it. He noted that galaxies were flying away from each other deeper into space. When I first read this a few years ago, I was confused to *why* this meant the universe was expanding. If galaxies are flying away, whats the big deal? What does this prove?

    Well, I find the best way to answer this question is to visualize them in reverse. Lets say I have a balloon with water inside it. Its tied up, and I'm standing on a a ledge. I drop the balloon to the ground. What happens? It pops. What happens to the water? It spreads in all directions away from the balloon. Now visualize this from the point in which the balloon first makes contact with the ground to the point where all the water is out of it, except in reverse. The water appears to be going back inside the balloon, and is being condensed to a bunch of collected water.

    Now visualize the universe right after the big bang. All the matter is packed up inside this singularity.... then boom.... everything spreads outwards... but in order for them to move forward, and outward. the universe has to be getting larger... it has to be expanding. So while the universe expands, these galaxies are getting farther and farther away from the center. Their moving forward, with the universe. Now view this in reverse... it makes sense now, doesn't it?

    As for the universe's end.... this is a tricky subject to answer. Some say that all matter will be sucked in by a super-massive black hole, but the universe will continue to expand forever. Some say that the black hole will consume the universe, taking everything back to the singularity, and then it starts again. Some say that gravity will overcome all other forces, and pull the universe, and all of its matter, back into a singularity again. This particular scenario is known as the "big crunch". Although it was widely accepted a couple years ago, its starting to die off gradually now because scientists think the universe is expanding at too great a rate for it to be brought back by gravity. The black hole scenario is known as the "big freeze" and isn't widely accepted... I personally don't believe in the scenario, but then again, it is in the early stages of development. Some simply say that the universe, and its matter, will continue to expand forever.

    As for numbers, are they really endless? Is it possible to have a number greater than the universe? Infinity is equal to the universe... and the universe is finite, though expanding. So infinity is expanding, and finite perhaps.

    There are still late night debates on these subjects for a simple reason: no one knows for sure. Cosmology is still in its infancy though there have been some major strides over the past century. Perhaps someday we will have clear answers to these questions.

  6.   The universe is a finite entity with a beginning and an end.

      Beyond the outer reaches of the universe nothing exists.

  7. the universe is not endless cause it takes 500 billion light years to go one side to the other sorry i didn't answer your question properly because i don't know what comes after our universe

  8. i think that the universe is endless....

    and according to a book the universe is endless..

    The Universe Is Infinite. Endless. Limitless.

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