
Is the us government using people like a casino?

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The fact that employees get taxes 50% on income and their 401k gets taxed 20% makes me feel that we are being used for no sane reason.

a dollar bill is printed on the same piece of paper as a 100 dollar bill.

So its obvious employees worldwide are being used as slaves. The more greedy corps get the less employees receive I mean why not tax 75% why not 100% and the government will provide basic needs? **** that investors can get there income to something like 8%. In theory the act of investing is parasitic and offers zero benefit to mankind. I agree but in the meantime working stiffs are going to be used as slaves until the next evolution in economics arrive. This will be known as unified economy one in which actual physical things like food cars etc.. will be attainable by all regardless of income its actually a very advanced mathematical equation that will allow this to happen as of today know one has the answer so give it a try if you dare.




  1. Of course. The government rules the people.

  2. US government is supposed to be a govt. of the people, by the people and for the people. So, people are playing casino with the concept of Govt. and not the opposite. People deserve to get what they deserve when they depend on and become slaves to an artificial God called govt. Govts. are dumb, repressive, exploitative mechanisms designed by Man.

    Greed in not the monopoly of the corporations. Govt. are greedy, labor is greedy and people in general are greedy and jealous of each other.  Corporations fail because of greed, so do Govts. and the people suffer the consequences of their greed.

    No mathematical equation can distribute wealth, income and necessities and luxuries among the people of a country and the World infested with people with jealousy, greed and proclivity to consume and avoid hard work.

    Philosophers of different ages have tried to evolve a system of equality of income, wealth, consumption in vain. Investors are as parasitic as labor and govt. administration are. One labourer depends on the invention of another past laborer. By grouping people as labor no meaningful purpose is served.

    Only brains of inventors and innovators can enhance the standard of living of the  people at large.  Just see how internet and mobile are trsnforming the lives of common people. These technologies are not the creation of labor or Govts: these are the fruits of brains and risk capital. But all benefit.

    There is time to think differently: rather than cribbing about Govt. and the corporations and investors.  

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