
Is the value of a college degree decreasing (need opinions from past and presents college students)?

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i recently transferred to my college from a local cc where i was at for a year. i am shocked to say that students at my local cc seem to be more academically focused and driven than kids on my current campus. what im asking is; is the increasing number of students attending college lowering the merit which a typical bachelors degree holds. the reason i am asking this because i am shocked at the type of kids there are at this school. the typical d-bag that wears cargo shorts, nike shoes, and aeropostale. they all seem to major in business or psychology. kids who look like they couldnt spell their names. idk, i guess i am just frustrated from the first few days of school. i guess i am just venting because i hate these stupid over bearing macho frat boy types who DONT deserve to be here. OPINIONS?




  1. EVERYONE deserves a college education despite not living up to your standards in fashon and style.  College is all about broadening your horizons and trying new things... community colleges are often made up of a very homozygous population.  Universities not so much.  It sounds like this experience is going to be an excellent time for you to grow up and realize not everyone has the same values and ideals as you.  

    If everyone were the same the world would be very boring.

  2. No no, you're right.  In my father's generation it wasn't required to have a college degree to get by.  Today it is.  I too was surprised how dumbed-down a lot of college was.  But, I guess that's going to come from having more people in college.  And if the colleges are faced with the choice of A, maintaining their standards and denying a horde of C- students, or B, lowering their standards and taking the money so that everyone who can afford one can get a college degree, in a lot of cases, they chose the latter.

  3. No, the value of a college degree is not decreasing.  Just look at the average yearly income of degreed people vs. people with a hs diploma.

    Also, it is getting harder to get into college because of the increased number of students applying.  Therefore, any "good" university can pick and choose which students it admits.

    My guess is that you are going to a non-selective state school.  Where I go (Georgia Tech), I do not see any of the things that you mentioned.  

    You have to understand that times are changing.  One of the results of America's wealth is that we can now afford to be in school for 12 years, and then go on to college for 4 or more years.  In the "old days," people had to work.

    Yup, times are changing.  I would even go as far as saying that the value of a college degree is increasing because it is becoming near impossible to get a "good" job without one.

    Also, you need to remember that you learn so much more in college than just academic material.  Its a whole exprience - it can change your life and make you a better person.

  4. It feels like college is becoming the new high school, a degree or diploma is a pre-requisite for just about any job.  

  5. I just finished my AA from a cc here in FL and transfered to FIU and I see the same things you are mentioning.

    I hate the atmosphere...  

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