
Is the vegan diet the best diet for the human anatomy?

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Do we have the digestive juices to properly digest meat or do they differ from that of a carnivore. Is it true that carnivores have a short digestive system as opposed to the longer digestive system in humans.apes etc. that are vegetarian by nature




  1. no

  2. Humans are omnivorous by nature, meaning we need to eat everything; meat, fruit, vegetables, and starches.

    Compared to a carnivore, our digestive system is only a bit longer. Herbivores (vegetarian by nature) have much longer digestive systems and do not have the proper digestive juices to digest lipids (fats) found in meat. Because of the longer digestive system, herbivores can efficiently absorb the nutrients found in plants.

    Humans, on the other hand, have the adequate enzymes (juices) to digest lipids found in meat. However, our digestive system can not absorb all of the essential nutrients by just ingesting (eating) plants. This is why humans need to eat everything.

    Of course, technology of today supplements vegans with essentially nutrients by supplying them with pills and processed foods.

    If you want to live for a long time, eat a well balanced diet with lots of starches, vegetables and fruits. However, don't forget about the meats!

  3. Not at all actually.

    Our digestive system is that of a true omnivore.  While our closest relative may be mostly vegetarian (but chimps still hunt monkeys, are cannibals, ect.), our digestive system has adapted to a more meat oriented diet.  

    We can't digest meat and bone like a hyena, but then we can't degrade cellulose either.

    Not all animals fit nicely in one category or the other.  However, humans can easily live off a straight vegetarian diet, if planned correctly.

  4. Nope. Humans are meant to be omnivores. I can give you several reasons why, but I'll just highlight two.

    Firstly, our digestive system is set up for meat, starting from our mouth. Our incisors are sharp and meant to cut through meat, whereas our back molars are dull and meant to grind things like greens. Secondly, we absolutely NEED the proteins that come from animal fats. Sure, there is protein that comes from nuts and soy, but it is an incomplete protein. If we don't consume the proteins that come from animals, then we increase our risk of things like dementia. Those who eat tofu as a meat supplement more than once a week are more than twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's or other degenerative neurological disorders as they age. Same thing with soy milk; those who drink soy milk instead of milk that comes from animal (such as cow or goat) increase their risk as well.

    Animal fats are an essential part of our diet. Now, that doesn't mean that it's okay to sit down and eat a side of bacon and a pound of sausages. As I said, we are omnivores, we are meant to eat a balance of both.

  5. Humans are omnivorous.  If we didn't have the additives in many of today's fruits and veggies, and the vitamin tabs, a person on an all-vegan diet would be dead inside a month.  Fortunately we do have genetically modified foods, protein and vitamin supplements, and can now survive on pretty much whatever diet we want.  It's now a matter of personal preference.

  6. Yes, it is absolutely true.  Our digestive tract is f**t to short to properly digest meats.  Since our digestive tracts are too short meat begins to rot  in our system.

    If we were meant to be carnivores our jaws would be alot stronger and we would have sharp, small incisors which other carnivores use to remove hair of the kill.


  7. Humans are omnivores. In all actuality if you look back to our ancestors we are closer to carnivores than herbivores. Today humans know enough to stay alive on a Vegan diet. If a caveman were to have been vegan he wouldn't last long.

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