
Is the venus embrace razor worth buying?

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i am going out to buy a new razor today. i am looking at my options because i want a razor that will last me a long time and that isn't too expensive. i am thinking about the venus embrace and i am wondering if it is good and worth buying?





  1. Honestly, im not sure, i use Mach3 Turbo aha

    I know its for men, so if they use it on their faces, it definately good enough for my legs :P

  2. I have the orignal Venus and I love it. The replacement blades are a little expensive, but you get a soft, clean shave.

  3. I wouldn't get the venus embrace razor because the blue moisture strip has moisture in it for only one time, then after its dry and you have to change the head often, I reconmend venus breeze because you don't need shaving cream.:)

  4. yeah i have wonders :)

  5. Venus makes good razors. they are all pretty much the same to me. they all do a wonderful job.  

  6. I don't like it.....Noxema shavers are still better and give me a smoother shave and lasts longer than with the Venus razor

  7. I really like the Schick Intuition. I've used the embrace and it wore out alot quicker, and didn't give the results the Intuition did.

  8. It's okay , not too great . Kinda like the rest of them.

    If it's the one with the multiple sooting strips, warning it gets gooey and sticky after 1st use

  9. yes def i have it and it works GREAT and its only like 13.50 at walmart!

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