
Is the view that "critics of President Bush" will "be banished to h**l" extremist enough to raise concern?

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Or would it be sexist to express discomfort with someone whose pastor claims this?




  1. Well, criticizing isn't a sin so... No.

  2. Not for Republicans, because they actually believe that

  3. I want to know how it is possible for a preacher to discuss politics like that and keep their tax-exempt status.

  4. This woman just gets nuttier and nuttier.

    If the 70 something year old McCain gets elected, this woman will be one step from the Presidency.

    That just boggles the mind.

  5. That's not extremism.  That's official administration policy.

  6. After the questions raised on what Obama's pastor said, Palin should be in for a roasting.

    Will the press be bold enough to do this though?

    I would love to see Palin answer questions on Inteligent Design too.  It seems like the majority of people are dead set against it, if Dover, etc. voting results are to be believed.

    I believe McCain will regret his VP choice.

  7. LOL yes

  8. The more I read about that woman, the more I want to vote for Obama.

    Well, I guess I'll see some of you guys in h**l then. I hate Bush and I voted for Kerry, and Al Gore.

    Have a nice day

  9. Depends on if it was on such a pervasive and ongoing basis as Reverend Wright's comments. If so, then yes.

  10. This falls into the same category as Reverend Wright's stuff.  

  11. Such pastors should get a grip on their egomania and hatred.

  12. Wow, not like politicians actually need to address any tangible problems in the world or anything. Just 'magic' it all away, I mean really. Have I slipped into a coma here, is it the early 800's again or something.

  13. Boy. am I in for a roasting!

  14. Check this out:

    "[Former Wasilla mayor] Stein says that as mayor, Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. “She asked the library how she could go about banning books,” he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. “The librarian was aghast.” The librarian, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn’t be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire her for not giving “full support” to the mayor."

  15. no...they are only words...what should raise concern is when Dem's who protest for peace use violence and attack innocent people...

  16. Fundamentalist Right Wing Extremism is the single greatest terror group we face today in America.  

  17. Holy moly... I'm definitely concerned by that!

  18. no as long as the critics are not doing it in unforgiveness

  19. In an average person you could dismiss it as misguided or delusional. In a vice-prez candidate it's very troubling. Is this the kind of attitude that would inform a McCain administrations policies? Scary.

  20. Sounds like a nut job.  

  21. I guess 80% of the country and 99% of the world will be banished to h**l.  Sounds like a party!

  22. Well, gee -- my entire parish and 3/4 of the denomination to which I belong actually *censured* George Bush (and d**k Cheney) for their misbehavior and outright crimes while in office -- and five million people is an *awful* lot of people to cram into h**l all at the same time!

    And by the way -- I was one of the people who voted to censure Bush and Cheney.  

  23. What about the extremist view that all republicans are religious bigots?

    like the one your showing us here.

  24. yes it is!  it is for reasons like that, that i changed my views about religion, and being a republican.  what a turn off!!  no wonder many of us are taking another look at our views, at least the open minded, versus rigid minded.

  25. Wow - so there goes another "servant of God" making stuff up along the way.  

    And I thought I was simply banished to h**l because I don't believe Jesus is divine and my savior.  Huh.  But it's really because I am critical of President Bush?  Geez, ya learn something new every day.

    (And some Christians have a hard time understanding why us Pagans don't believe everything the Bible says.  Hmmmm...)

    Perhaps "the church" should remember "separation of church and state" and keep their nose out of politics - or forfeit their tax exempt status.

  26. I shouldn't think anyone in their right mind would care enough to even listen to the rantings of these loons who have taken over the asylum.  One can only hope that the US citizens will come to their senses and vote against the warmongers.

  27. h**l would need to be expanded to hold them all...

    As far as what someone else says, she can be held no more responsible than Obama can be held responsible for Rev. Wright said.

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