
Is the war between Georgia and russia still going on or is it over?

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Is the war between Georgia and russia still going on or is it over?




  1. There is no declared war. Georgia attacked Russian peace-keeping positions, Russia retalliated.

  2. There was no declaration of war. Russia invaded. It is not over

  3. Mr Saakashvili started this war by invading South Ossetia on August 7th in a very brutal fashion reminiscent of things a former Georgian named Stalin did.

    The Russians were duly provoked and responded in force.  They now occupy large parts of Georgia and have come very close to Tbilisi, the capital (foreigners left a couple days ago).

    The Russians have been pulling teeth, meaning destroying Georgian munitions, perhaps taking some equipment.  Some South Ossetians have been involved, at least at Gori (where Stalin was born).

    It has not been made clear what encouragements Mr Saakashvili may have had for this misadventure from other nations.  Russians claim to have apprehended mercenary types from various places, some from former satellite countries of the Soviet Union.

    Mr. Saakashvili grudgingly signed a truce arranged by the French President yesterday, August 15th as far as I know.  He was last to sign on,  Russia did so earlier.*

    *Aug 16 Corrective Edit:  Russian agreed earlier, but signed yesterday, after Mr Saakashvili had signed.  So now, both have agreed to the terms.

    Russians have yet to pull out.  I wish I could take a reliable guess, but I have no idea what will happen next.

    If logic and cooperation prevail, the Russians will vacate Georgia over the next few days and the procedures agreed will begin implementation.  Google Georgia Truce Details.

    There have been many deaths and much destruction along with looting and criminal conduct, even for a war.  That type of behavior is common for the area.

    Undoubtedly many innocent people have been killed.  There are refugees in large numbers, homeless, on both sides.  Immense medical needs.  Winter approaching...

    There are more details in Nunitak's Weather Blog.

    What is not there is whatever went on covertly.  

    Now I will tell you something less usual.  The angels keep track of who is responsible for the worst crimes.  My best guess is that they use the standards of the times in that locale as another factor in their records.

    There will be a judgment flawlessly based on intentions.

    But I will stop here as most people are not interested in the latter details.

    Many more useful urls about this are in my last blog article.

    I am certain no one gets the complete 100% blame for this.  But Mr Saakashvili, supposed democratic leader, certainly gets a major portion of it.

    I am not his judge, only a fair reporter of events, having limited knowledge of this area and the projects underway there.

    So, I would hesitate to guess the percentage other than saying it is somewhere greatly over 50% for Mr Saakashvili's government.

    If you look at my blog more diligently, you will understand my hesitation and see how involved it gets.

    Remember also that lots of stuff goes on which you never hear about, or maybe just a tiny bit....

    Some of it may be fighting old wars, a despicable activity.  If you want things to improve, you should not fight old wars.

    The spectre of the Cold War has been resurrected somewhat...

    Only heart-to-heart talks with pure intentions can alleviate such conditions.

    No one should dig a pit for another, no nation should persistently try to undermine another nation.

    I think the Russians are very sensitive to such issues and I do not know for sure if it is justified.

    Napoleon and Hitler failed at great costs to conquer Russia.  I am not a historian, only know Mongols succeeded for a while.

    One is less paranoid if one lives between two oceans as in the USA, or even the U.K. with surrounding sea.  But those matter less in the modern world.

    I would like to see everyone having more sympathy for the other.  That would breed trust and further cooperation instead of fear, mistrust and war.

  4. unfortunately...and even with 'orders to leave' the Russian troops aren't.  I believe I heard today that troops will remain in Georgia.

  5. It's still going on. Last I heard the Russians stopped the attack but were bulking up with soldiers.

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