
Is the war in Georgia the best thing that ever happened to mc cain.?

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Is the war in Georgia the best thing that ever happened to mc cain.?




  1. Ask yourself if it may be Russia's response to the possibility of Obama's election...a pre-emptive strike,so to speak...

  2. And the fact the it started the same day the Olympics did.  What a coincidence!  Almost like it was planned that way!

  3. Wow.  So quick to tie this to Obama.  Repubs can hide behind their tough talking candidate, but let us not forget what party is in the white house right now.  Just for the record, I like Bush's "measured" response, and the promise of humanitarian aid.  

  4. I really don't get that not being American but d**n those republicans never give up when there's a war to fight.

    Oddly there is such a similarity between Iraq/Iran in all this Georgia business that I smell a rat.

    Osettians oddly enough speak Iranian...and today I read this: scratch mine and I'll scratch yours.

    Wow, it's funny how the world sees things one way, and Americans see a completely different picture.  No offence people but get your butts our of your arses here.  What does Osama have to do with any of this anyhow?

    Besides I thought Americans really WANTED change not more of the same old.  It's sad when a country isn't willing to take risks.

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