
Is the weather bad where you are???

by Guest63241  |  earlier

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Here outside Norwich the wind seems to be getting worse.




  1. it`s very windy`s dry at the moment  but getting very cloudy  it looks as if it `s going to rain here in north wales

  2. Sheffield

    the suns out but its a bit windy

  3. Much nicer in cornwall today,still really windy but sunny x

  4. its actually not too bad up here in Newcastle, little bit windy, but at the minute the sun is out. glad its not as bad as Cornwall. so hopefully everyone down that area is OK.

  5. It is absolutely howling in Staffordshire.

  6. Well 2 days ago we had freezing wind chills and snow. Yesterday it was 70's and sunny....

    We expect more snow soon...

    I am in Colorado (USA) and it is like this YEAR ROUND.

  7. We really had the stick yesterday at Selsey, you may have seen it on the news?  Today at the moment we still have a cold high wind but enjoying a little sunshine as well

  8. In Birmingham the sun is shining but the wind is picking up.

    It was so windy this morning that one of our fences blew down, again. The dog nearly got away!

  9. You must be getting the storm we had last night here in N Ireland. Its dry here now but blowing a ferocious gale.

  10. Bonny Scotlands braw the day...Was raining like half an hour...Now its burning hot....Global warming or what. lol.................................Take that back its now weeing with rain and blowing a tornado too

  11. Not here in Bangor NI - the sun is shining and it's a gorgeous day!

  12. the wind is definatley picking up here in newcastle

  13. in North Augusta, SC and its just a lil nippy out today, but im sure its gonna warm up =)

  14. I am in newcastle too and the weather is really quite strong - its quite windy (sunny though) with the odd rain showers!!

    Oh and cold too very cold!

  15. Here in Shropshire we have sun and blue skies...but it's very windy and seems to be getting worse.

  16. The wind in cheltenham doesn't appear to have changed since 3am this morning and is one of the worst days for quite a while. Working on the 6th floor wobling in the wind.

  17. sydney!!! beautiful sun... sipping on coronas at da beach

  18. Blowy in Blackburn!

  19. in north yorkshire we have sun and blue skys but strong winds and the forecast say the winds are going to get stronger aswell as more rain

  20. Not too bad in London but I was at Cheltenham races yesterday and can see why they called it off.  Worst thing is that me and the missus have booked a cottage on the coast this weekend.  Oh dear...

  21. nah.  california has the weather that others envy.  lately we've been having summer weather in the 80s when much of our country is under snow or tornado watch.

  22. Well I'm in spain (Menorca) and the weather is lush, sun shining, big blue sky, no wind and it's really hot.


  23. it's a bit windy here in Leeds w.Yorkshire, but the weather hasn't been as bad as i thought it'd be.....

  24. I live in North Louisiana and the weather here is nice and fair.  But last week we had snow one day rain the next sun the next and back to rain and then over the weekend it was cold and kinda muggy.  Crazy weather is what I would call it.

  25. Morayshire  Scotland  Good

  26. Cloudy but dry here in Bristol, but very windy still.

  27. It's snowing lightly in Copenhagen NY, and it looks like a winter wonderland outside from a recent past storm we had.

  28. It's very windy in London.....

  29. Here in the smoky mountains, its a little chilly, its suppose to warm up to the high 60"s the rest of the week though!!

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