
Is the weather going to improve soon?

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Is the weather going to improve soon?




  1. yes i have an update in my blog check out what i say for the dry coming up on http://coasttocoastweatherlive.blogspot....

  2. i believe so, i have the small pleasure of sitting by a little lake in some woodland while on my lunch break and the flora and fauna suggest better weather is coming soon.

    failing that, ask a farmer, they always know :)

  3. hopefully!!! we  do need good  weather last year was bad enough and the winter was gloomy!

  4. A wet summer is predicted but the weather is due to get warmer for the week starting May 5th ready for the Bank Holiday. Hope that cheers you up a bit.

  5. In the UK we've been promised a summer very similar to last year, which means that it's likely to be very wet and horrible.

    Next year will be a lot better apparently.

    In answer to your question, an assuming you live in the UK, the answer is probably not.

  6. If you mean the cold and hot spells back and forth, yes.   The season is a late one because colder air from Canada has been going back and forth into the USA and out again.

  7. How is it even possible to answer that question? Weather is in a lot of ways very unpredictable.

  8. maybe

  9. I sure hope so because I'm sick of snow!

  10. maybe it is not raining today though

  11. I hope so, this is not typical summer weather!!!

  12. I sure do hope so, this rain is depressing.

  13. The weather will be great tomorrow !!!

  14. We're still in spring. There's always rain this time of year and summer doesn't start until school is pretty much over, which is 2 months away. Relax and be patient, the good weather will be here in time.

  15. It's nice where I live.

  16. I sure hope so.  I am very sick of this d@mn cold weather.

  17. I hope so, looks like warm rain by friday in Oh, 53 today.. heavy frost tonight, 29 degrees.

  18. I hope!  It's rainy and cold and school is almost done so I want it to be nice when I go home!

  19. ask god he is in control...oh my fault he wont tell you because he does not exist

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