
Is the weather unusual this year where you live? How so? Where do you live?

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In St. Louis it is rain, rain, rain.....




  1. Illinois 50 miles from St. Louis - rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, more rain. Farmers are going to be hurting. Less than half of the crops planted.

  2. i live in punta gorda, belize it is hot here... like usual because we are so close to the equator and yesterday i cracked an egg on the sidewalk and i cooked... wow!

    wow! it seems like it is raining everywhere else but i did not see any rain here

  3. due to global warming we had the coldest april on record in maryland.

  4. well in Chicago its a severe thunderstorm one day, and the next day it could be a heat wave. its like that a lot in the midwest. i think a lot of it has to do with the lake effect

  5. YES!! It's like 97 degrees here in Canada!! It was raining like crazy yesterday!!

  6. I live in Zihuatinejo Mexico!

    You probly know from the news, but there are alot of sharks here now. this is becuase of the crazy weahter patterns. The water is not usually cold, but it is now, so that has brought the sharks. I have heard that it has something to do with global warming.

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