
Is the weight of the Jesus's Cross equal to the weight of our sins?

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Is the weight of the Jesus's Cross equal to the weight of our sins?




  1. He wouldn't have carried the whole cross, only the cross bar.

    Sin is subjective, so it has no weight.

  2. If you could have taken His place, would you have?  Would you have taken the beating HE took?  Would you have taken the whipping HE took?  Would you have worn that crown of thorns that pushed a little deeper into His skull each time His head swelled just a little more?  Well guess what, when the tribulation begins, anyone who is a TRUE believer will also go through terrible tortures at the hands of the anichrist to prove their faith Christ!  It's not if it will happen.  IT WILL HAPPEN!  Who is that running for president right now? Oh yeah, it's that muslim!  Don't take my word for it, just wait and see.

  3. no

  4. No.

  5. If sin has weight, does it also have mass?

  6. I am sure carrying the cross was light as a feather compared to hanging on the cross with our sins.

  7. no  

  8. He didnt deserve that that whay you mean? this ques is confusing...UNclear..

  9. I think it is equal to God's wrath.

  10. yeah

  11. It is what the Lord Jesus did for us that is all important not the symbol itself.

    Jesus chose to be obedient to his Father and willingly sacrificed himself that we might be redeemed from eternal death.

  12. Jesus sacrificed himself for our souls. Instead of calling on the help of God, he died a mortal death. He payed for our sins with his blood.

  13. the new testament was written in greek, nowhere in the greek writings is the word crux (cross) used.  read acts chapter 10 verse 39------

    it was a tree , that's the tip of the day,  stop believing what you hear from everybody and read your bible!

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