
Is the white wolf real?

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some people say tht the white wolf is a legend or myth but others say tht he will come and rescue you but its rarely seen what do you think




  1. White Fang

    the most popular of the white wolves

    its a symbol really not necessarily white

  2. Yes of course the white wolf is real but you can't see it because it camouflages in with the snow.  

  3. The white wolf is a real animal. In anciet Indian tribes, the white wolf was a sacred animal never to be hunted or killed. They believed these wolves carried people's souls from earth to heaven or their idea of heaven. I doubt they would rescue you, but they are a beautiful animal and I do have an eerie story if you want to read it:

    One night a white "dog" was barking like mad on our front porch. He would come up and bark then retreat. He was not one we'd seen around the neighborhood and was very large, resembling a wolf. My mom is the one who saw and heard him. All of a sudden, our phone rang. When my mom went to answer it, this "dog" came up on our porch and got up on its hind legs, front paws on the window and was going nuts barking. We had a dog at the time who was sleeping right there and did not even stir. The person calling was my grandmother to tell my mom that her brother had died.

    A little later My aunt called my mom from the scene of his death-his bedroom. My uncle had a heart attack in his sleep. And right above the bed he died in was a calendar turned to January.The white wolf was the dog on the calendar for that month. Strange huh? this prompted my mom to look up the significance of the white wolf and thats where we learned about the ancient Indians who believed they were sacred. Maybe it was just a coincidence. Maybe not. You never know.  

  4. There are real white wolves in nature, just like white deer, squirrels and catfish.  None of them will rescue you, except in a disney movie.

  5. its a legend...

  6. I think no

  7. White wolves exist, but a white wolf coming to save you is absurd.

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