
Is the whole global warming thing a big joke, or are people really that stupid?

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If you think global warming is really unnaturally caused by humans, then please explain how the Ice Age ended. Do you people honestly believe that the climate would be exactly the same, indefinitely throughout time, if human interference did not exist? Read the following:




  1. The idea of man-made global warming is a monumental scam.  Those who believe in it because Al Gore says so are perhaps not stupid, but misled and gullible.

  2. No, but the human race has obviously sped up the process of global warming.

  3. I think people can be that stupid; for example, it is impossible not to believe in global warming. Warming is a fact.  We burn hydrocarbons to create heat and increase the electromagnetic radiation emissivity of our atmosphere.  The discussion is then over the extent of the effects of these actions.

    I can understand if someone doesn't think we cause a large portion of global warming, I cannot understand why anybody would deny that we have anything to do with it completely, getting thier information from people who went to some right-wing school for political "science" or economics and think they understand more about thermodynamics and spectroscopy than engineers or meteorologists.

    EDIT: also, Dumdum, warming can cause an ice age because it messes solubility; salinity; density and therefore ocean convection current patterns.

  4. Yes it is

  5. i think tht your being naiive about the situation.

    its a theory.

    not a fact.

    but evidence shows tht we really fasten up the process of global warming/

    but i'm just happy tht you care.

    and the ice age didn't melt b/c of global warming.

    it was uneven heat currents b/c of an asteroid.

  6. They told people that they were causing an ice age back in the 70s (they also used scientists from NOAA and NASA to support their claims)--I guess people will constantly fall for anything.

  7. It is the biggest joke ever. I was looking at some charts this year..... and it has only gone up.. about .3 C since I believe it was like 1980

  8. The ice ages (there were many of them and there are different theories for why different ones) ended because of natural causes. The current warming is because of human activity.

    Both humans and nature can cause forest fires and both humans and nature can affect the climate.

    Nobody says the climate would "be exactly the same, indefinitely throughout time". That's called a straw man argument where you misrepresent what others say, in order to argue against something that actually is stupid.

    Before calling others stupid regarding something you haven't studied, you might want to read what some very smart scientists at NASA who've been studying the climate for decades have to say about this subject:


    dumdum - You're making stuff up.  Please provide evidence of NASA and NOAA scientists in the 70's who were predicting an imminent (not sometime centuries or millenniums away) ice age?

  9. I vote for people are just that stupid.

  10. Those on the Mississippi River don't agree with you. Neither does the White House, yes that White House!

  11. apperently global warming shouldn't happen so fast nor should their be a hole in the Ozone layer but thanks to the human race and its reliance on everyday conveniences have sped up the proccess faster that it is possible for people to adjust to

  12. No one said there was no such thing as such as natural climate change.  No one said the climate would stay the same without human interference.

    The current warming is more than what can be explained by natural causes.

    Don't let right-wing idiot bloggers do your thinking for you.

  13. There are at least 5 recent glacial periods each of ~100000 years with a warm period in between of course these were caused by natural events. At the end of the last cold period 11-12 thousand years ago there were less than a million humans on Earth living simple hunter gatherer lives, now there are 6.7 billion, at present we are producing ~27 billion tons of co2 per year and that number is only going up, most is from carbon fuel sources locked under the ground since the time of the dinosaurs. Now the Earth avg temp is 50F then it was 60-70 and there were no icecaps at all we are turning the Earth back to those levels. How can we not be causing this.

    With some minor bounces due to weather anomalies the Co2 and temp and sea level have been moving up together over the last hundred years.

    alphapatriot and americanthinker speak for themselves as sites and what they would have to say i.e. exxon

    (I didn't waste my time even looking)

    The only real joke in the AGW debate is how silly some of the denier claims can get.

  14. people want to feel special.. This gives them the oppurtunity, even though the idea of unnatural warming is a load of trash.

  15. Higher gas prices do nothing but put an unnecessary drag on the economy. Yes, people may drive less, but as far as man-made global warming goes, its just a hoax. The Earth is unaffected by our actions, so clamping down of carbon emissions, is but a waste of time.

    Experts on energy today as seen by the associated press maybe just full of hot air, or as I call them, “blowhards”. Almost every day you can pick up “Bad living Magazine” and see the next hundred reasons why we should be scared to live. Give me a break, I like to drink coffee, sometimes I indulge in Samuel Adams, and I drink milk. I don’t believe in this global warming scam, having read and looked into the facts behind it, now I am at the brink of calling these environmentalists, a horse thief.

    I agree with James Lewis in you link to the American Thinker. Many famous scientists have made wrong conclusions based on insufficient data. The Earth’s atmosphere is much more complicated than these global scientists want to admit. To make a computer model that has many uncertainties has no credibility.

  16. This subject is now a political issue with countries, politicians, and scientists, and Universities scrambling to get their cut of the MONEY pie.

  17. people are stupid and will think anything you tell them is truth. But we actually we have a microscopic effect on the climate

  18. A scare tactic, full o'lies. I know Venus is the hottest but it's not because of Co2. It's sulfur.

  19. I've got a hard time with believing all the whoo-haaa about global warming, especially when I remember reading in my Weekly Reader (in my science class in the late 60's), that we were headed for an ice age, due to all the pollutants that us humans were causing throughout the world. Pictures of polluted rivers that were on fire from all the toxic stuff that had been dumped over the years filled this little weekly paper, causing our class to be afraid of the future. I grew up with this stuff. The great thing about being over 50 years old now is that I can look back over the years and see the natural ebb and flow of the weather...hard winters and cool summers...dry springs and non-existent falls. I've seen a lot and heard a lot in all those years, and though I admit I'm not brainiac, and ONLY have a high school education, it doesn't take a genius to understand that it's natural for nature to have fluctuations, and go through "seasons" of long winters and hot summers, sometimes for several years in a row. I've done quite a bit of study regarding storms and weather extremes from years gone by...even a couple of hundred years gone by...and there were extremes even then...way before anyone could know about or spell "hole in the ozone". While I agree that we all need to clean up after ourselves and take reasonable care of what God has blessed us with, I don't think we need to turn ourselves inside out and start killing off the human race in order to "save" the planet. China has made it illegal for any family to have more than one child, due to the population growth of its country. They force women to get an abortion. The ones that run away and have their babies somewhere else, get heavy fines when they come home. It's all in the name of Zero Population Growth...another outgrowth of the "save the planet" movement. It puzzles me that these groups talk down on humans, and how it would be better for man to be gone, yet none of them are volunteering to leave. I guess they're not in the same category as the rest of the human race. Anyway, I looked up your links, and found them to be interesting, as well as some of the comments regarding your lack of intelligence ;) ...the usual clap-trap that gets tossed at you for having an opinion when they can't think up something really intelligent to say. Since you're not politically correct, what can you expect? Keep on keeping on. You're not alone. <*)))><

  20. You can now include you over rated president as a 'believer' of AGW!

    Good bye all you FLAT EARTHERS and AGW deniers!

  21. Whether it's our fault or not, it's still a big problem.  It's hurting our ecosystems, it's killing species.  If you believe that the earth just naturally goes through climate cycles, fine, but we have to take precautions.  The human race needs to step up and try to prevent whatever drastic climate change may come next.  People just need to shut up about whether global warming is real or not because the results are already evident!  By going green, our world can slow down this process that COULD somehow turn apocalyptic.

  22. MAN WHATEVER you say all that with your pretty charts and information and poor poor polar bears are drowing all over ****** antartica man! what about them. are they a joke too!! noooo.

  23. There really are people that stupid. Al Gore won an nobel  peace prize, that pretty much sums it up.

  24. These people are not stupid;

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Of course you could choose to believe political groups like 'alphapatriot' instead.  but these guys think that's a mistake;

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

    The ice age ended because of changes in solar radiation called 'Milankovic cycles'; Google it for more info about these orbital changes.  We know that's not happening now, because we measure solar radiation, also known as 'solar forcing'.

    "Recent oppositely directed trends in solar

    climate forcings and the global mean surface

    air temperature", Lockwood and Frolich (2007), Proc. R. Soc. A


    News article at:

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