
Is the whole point of Sharia law that Muslim life is worth less than non-Muslim life?

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Under Sharia law your life can be taken from you for things that we who are not under Sharia law would think are trivial. Or is the purpose to instill rabid fear in those living under it and therefore immediate unquestioning obedience ? And is the purpose of re-instilling Sharia law in every new country to keep the Muslims from truly joining that society and thus 'normalizing' or 'naturalizing' to that society, in essence making them not citizens of that country since indeed, they live under a different set of laws? So if Muslim Americans set up Sharia law aren't they really just no longer Americans ? Isn't having Sharia law in a country just a sly way of installing a hostile army of fear-controlled soldiers into a society and shouldn't any self interested society understand, acknowledge and act on this as if it were an act of war ?




  1. No religion is any different. Secular democracy is the only way to have debates that actually get at truth. Anything based on faith should simply have no social influence - not in speeches, not in politics, not in the schools, not anywhere.

  2. No, the whole point of Sharia Law is that women are less human then men.  The whole religion thing is second.  

  3. so Murder ,Rape, Molestation, drug smuggling, and high treason are TRIVIAL matters???? Because those are the main things one is put to death for in sharia law. what are you reading if anything at all?

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