
Is the witches in our world like charmed?

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i love the show charmed but is the real witches like that as well, i mean like is there really melinda warren in the past? and do witches really fight with scary demons and warlocks? witches get powers too? dont understand so help me plz:)




  1. Im not really sure they exist but if they did they would be alot more powerful than those witches.(I watch the show from time to time)

  2. No.  Dirty Harry is a movie version of a vigilante.  The Witches of Charmed are a TV series version of Witches.  Even the Dresden Chronicles and Harry Potter are exaggerations of the old tales (and such realities as we are aware of).  You are watching some very professional adventure stories and melodramas.  Nothing more.

  3. NO.

    wiccans, witches, shamans, healers, witch-doctors, pagans etc. are nothing like the "Charmed" ****. witchcraft is something spiritual, not when you yell words and things happen.

    and yes, there were witches in Virginia  

  4. HA! I only wish I looked like the charmed ones and could have powers like that. But alas, we live in the real world.

    No, witches are nothing like those portrayed on Charmed. Charmed is fictional tv show. Perhaps the only thing that is accurate about witches in that show is the fact they use spells. Even then it's a stretch. Witches cannot freeze time, cannot levitate, cannot move things with their mind, cannot blow things up with the wave of a hand. There are no demons in witchcraft, just a belief of being in harmony with the universe, and working with it's forces and energies.

    I do not believe there was a Melinda Warren (may have been someone somewhere with that name, but not a witch). Charmed was a good show, but a tv show nonetheless. Thank you Hollywood for yet another inaccurate portrayal of something.

  5. (sigh) In my younger days we had to contend with Bewitched on TV.  I even had someone at work ask me for a spell to make her brother break up with an unsuitable girlfriend.    I had to explain that I couldn't twitch my nose and make something happen.   Same with Charmed, although they have much better special effects than Bewitched.  

  6. i think it's just fiction but there are "witches" but unlike charmed or anything else.. just ppl with psychological problems who tend to ruin everything other ppl do. they're  not good.

  7. I loved that show too but no it's not real well there are witches but they do not have powers like that.

  8. Depends on what you define as "real"

    Yes for all it's faults Charmed did show a lot of the positive background ethics of Wicca & other Pagan paths.

    BUT - it is entertainment & most stories were just that stories.

    No Witches/Wiccans/other pagans do not have magical wind or lights dramatically moving their hair/clothes - that's entertainment.

    But "yes" Virginia there are real witches.


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