
Is the wooly mammoth extinct because oil companies stopped it from getting on the endangered species list?

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Is the wooly mammoth extinct because oil companies stopped it from getting on the endangered species list?




  1. lol wooly mammoths were extinct long before oil companies were around. so to answer your question no

  2. I noticed that when I woke up this morning. The pink elephants also disappeared.

  3. they were made extinct by global warming

  4. The question is hilarious and so is evans answer!

  5. some people say that rapid climate change killed them. I find it odd that they disappeared about the same time man came to North America, humans wiped them out because they were slow and too big

  6. Apparently their methane-filled flatulence caused their own demise.  The question then becomes:  Are we experiencing a continuation of Woolly Mammoth induced global warming?

  7. No, it's extinct because my ancestors killed them and ate them for dinner.

  8. Japanese scientists are currently looking for frozen samples of Wooly Mammoth sperm to clone mammoths in order to bring them back and train them to trample black market-oil dealers in Nigeria.

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