
Is the word individual needed here? Is it Ok to have it or is it not necessary?

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We are doing a correction that is translated from German to English.

The sentence goes like this: The individual researcher will explore...

Another sentence: The tasks will be performed by the individual researcher.

Is the word individual needed here? Please consider both sentences. Thanks




  1. Both your sentences sound right.  Go ahead with it, especially if the original Geman has the 'individual'.

  2. i don't think it has to be there  

  3. I think the word which is not needed here is 'the'

    it makes the sentence sound awkward.

    try this: Individual researchers will explore...

    Another sentence: The task will be performed by individual researchers..

    -- i don't really know what your case is. But i hope this helps!

  4. The word "individual" stresses the fact that these tasks or this exploration will be accomplished by only one researcher. Presumably, there are many researchers working on the project, yet parts of what is being investigated will be done by only one of them.

  5. I don't find the use of individual as necessary, but it does clarify somewhat that the material applies to the individual, to the separate person, rather than to the general researcher.

    Languages are funny that way.  Words do not translate perfectly.  I do not know German well enough to say this with certainty, but it seems possible that German requires the use of individual to clarify that the term researcher is intended to apply to a single specific person in the case given, rather than to a group.

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