
Is the world a real place when the the person who was your whole world has breathed his/her final breath?

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Is the world a real place when the the person who was your whole world has breathed his/her final breath?




  1. ur questions are very painful :'(

  2. Yes i do, we all have lost someone close to us, but some how life goes on it may seem like the hurt of this loss is unbearable, but I can tell you in truth it gets easyer to bare. If we remember all the good times we had with this person, and keep them in our hearts. Have a nice day

  3. What is with these questions and posts at this time of the night (10:48 PM here in Kurdistan > As Sulaymaniyah)?!

    We all die anyways so why care too much about your beloved dying? If they were good, be happy for them, if they were bad pray for them. Pray for them no matter what!

    029.057 Every soul shall have a taste of death in the end to Us shall ye be brought back.

    Al-Qur'an, 029.057 (Al-Ankaboot [The Spider])

  4. I know exactly what you mean.  When anyone I've love died, it was like everything slipped into unreality.  I think our brains cannot believe the world goes on as usual without that person, and we have to become accustomed to what for us is actually a whole NEW reality, because in truth it IS without that person.

  5. My best friend at school died a few months ago from brain cancer. I thought that I would never love school or the classes that I she was in with me ever again. I didn't understand what her purpose was after living such a short life. Later I understood that people who die are just one of the many signs that Allah swt is giving us. Sometimes we get so caught on into this world, we never think about death or the possibility of dying. My friend who was my age showed me that even though I'm not sick allhumdulillah or elderly, doesn't mean that death is so far away. We should always work to better ourselves, as we never know when we will leave this world. This is a very sad question, but with the help of Allah swt the world, although it won't be the same, will start moving again for you. Death opens our eyes and we should learn from it.  

  6. so i have competition in gloom???

    well...He/she has returned back to our Lord...and we all have to go back some day...some early some late

    jus pray for the person as He/she needs it now more than any other time

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