
Is the world bank and IMF a contributing factor on Africa's lack of education?

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If not, who are the perpetrator contributing to the severe lack of education in Africa? the corruption by the government perhaps?




  1. There's no one "perpetrator."

    Most definitely the economic reforms required by the World Bank and the IMF for loans have contributed to the defunding of education programs, as they encourage these governments  to scale back their funding for education, health and other public sector activities. But there are other factors too: corruption and a focus on arms diverts funds for education; many of Africa's best and brightest have gone to other countries for better jobs and better pay; and widespread discrimination against women prevents them from both education and jobs relating to education. Poor health care, including HIV/AIDS, has depleted communities of teachers and education experts. As someone else already mentioned, there is also the factor that colonial powers prevented Africans from receiving proper education, and therefore, the countries are still play "catch up."

  2. No, if anything the World Bank and IMF help to aid African education. The problem is too large for each organization to have any major impact, and for this reason skeptical misinformed liberals rag on these positive groups.

  3. It's a left over from the Colonial days were in Africans were not educated in order to keep a submissive lower class.  There are many Africans who do receive excellent educations abroad, however, there has some been severe brain drain due to opportunity, prestige, and wage in the developed world.

  4. Well the IMF and World Bank, provide money to desperate governments in Africa, but in return the country, for who gets the money, must then open its markets up and allow corporations to come in and use their labor and resources.  

    This is problematic as  you can see, because the IMF and World Bank act in a self interest manner, the Bank tends to finance bigger, more expensive projects--which almost always require the materials and technical expertise of Northern contractors--and ignores smaller-scale, locally appropriate alternatives. The mission of the World Bank to alleviate poverty, not provide business for U.S. contractors.  But in the end economics isn't really the solution to end Africa's education, all it really is, is another world for colonialism/imperialism just in a more "civilzied" manner.

  5. No.  Both the world Bank and IMF fund education, finding that an increased education is a prerequisite to these regions becoming developed and entering the world economy.

    But in Africa (as elsewhere), education is an expensive proposition, for everyone.

    There is no busing and the students need to walk for miles to get to the schools that do exist.

    The funding is so poor, that basic supplies (like paper) are often lacking.  As for computers and technology - forget it.

    Often, students are needed in the fields for subsistence living -- if the choice is between eating and education, guess which parents choose (especially for girls, whose lot in life is to become a wife).

    So the problems are economic and cultural, and the never-ending circle continues.

    There is hope.  The educational level is rising.  While the US had far more natural resources as a young child, making farming and industry possible and profitable, it took over one hundred years to get anything resembling a national education priority even started, and about 150 years for it to really be available to most (except black) children.  For the blacks, it took an additional 40 years.

  6. More money has been poured into Africa than any other continent. The problem lies with the people themselves. Most of the money and food never makes it to the intended recipients.

    Too many tribal wars and inviting.

    Sad but history tells us it won't change.

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