
Is the world bank and IMF truly helping africa continent or underdeveloping africa?

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Is the world bank and IMF truly helping africa continent or underdeveloping africa?




  1. No. Ask anyone in Africa and they'll tell you what a load of c**p that is.

  2. Obviously they are helping. But only in paper works. Physically nothing...........

  3. World Bank and IMF are a sham.  They keep poor nations poor by way of bribery and usury.  In return, they take their resources, including cheap labor.  Did you really think Wolfowitz was taking a noble position?

  4. no. if the WB and IMF realy want to help these poor nations, they must  not give away the money in exchange of something.

  5. I doubt it.  Nations have been dumping money into Africa for a long time and it doesn't seem to have made much of a positive impact.

  6. Nuh Uh.

    That's a load of bull.

    Does it honestly LOOK like Africa's being helped?

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