
Is the world bank evil?>?

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  1. not to my knowledge...why do you think it is?

  2. When you say evil are you talking about supervillian evil or antichrist evil. There are those who believe that prior to Christs return for his lambs(us). Armies of darkness will walk among us. We will be required or tricked into taking a mark. Meaning when J.C. is ready to cut those who took the mark are not alllowed. This relates to the world bank because there has been talk for years of world currancy. The Euros is as far as they have got.  Super villian evil, is open to perceptions. There are two schools on ethical philosophy, 1) The traditional or Platonic school that to presume that we can change out come is to presume we above all else in the world. And that is arrogance and pride so to do that is unethical or not goods. Later a philosophy hit the scene that said outcome is what is important not the intention. Lets say you could go back in time. You deside to go drown Adolf Hitler in his bath tube as a little child, thereby preventing the Holocaust, use of the big bombs on Japan, the bombings of London and Dresden. Under the contemperary definition, taking Hitlers life was not unethical.  The reason I explained this is that in a situation like this you need  to look at ingtentions vs outcome.

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