
Is the world coming to an end?

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Is the world going to end anytime soon? I want real anwsers no joking! Is the economy getting worse?!




  1. I don't believe in any of the wack-o theories about Mayan calendars or Nostradamus predictions about the end of the world.  Its just a meaningless concept meant to scare people.

    What exactly is meant by the "End of the World"?  Even if all humans were to disappear overnight, the World would still be here. (Our End, would therefore mean a new Beginning for some other kind of animal to dominate the world.)

    The World comes to an End every day.  The trick is that every End is also a New Beginning.

  2. yeah we are going into a mini depression. And on 2012 the world is gonna blow up.

  3. Economic problems inflation, recessions and even depressions have been going on  since the country's founding see

    this seems bad only because the  economy  has been unusually well behaved most of the time since WWII with the  only bad times around 1974 to 84 and that wasn't all that bad..

  4. Yes, I believe the world is coming to end in the near future. I'm not saying right now...but the Government is the Antichrist. I'm the farthest thing from joking right now. There are books and movies that I've seen that talk about it and it all makes perfect sense. The Government is taking everything from us, taxing us to death, keeping all our money, and needing IDs for more and more things. They're taking away all of our rights! If something doesn't happen soon or someone doesn't find out the true inner-workings of our Government, we're screwed and the world won't last much longer.

    Sorry to be the extreme pessimist but it's the scary truth.

  5. yes December 21 2012

  6. No one knows when the world is coming to an end.  The Bible says so.

    We are in a recession by what most people say.  It doesn't mean it is the end of the world.  We have to watch what we spend.  Spend it wisely.  Do other things to help out the environment.  Recycle.  That keeps the cost of certain things down.  Save money whenever possible.

    The world is not coming to an end just because there are hard times.  Don't worry.  Prayer works to help those who need it.

  7. people are saying 20012 but i don't really  believe it cause like why

  8. The world will end up after 60,000 yrs. When Darjaal will come sittng on the back of a donkey. When The stone on Khana Quaba will become totally black. Its 100% true.

  9. the real true and honest answer to that question is no one really knows when .but what we do know is yes someday the world will come to an end!

  10. yeah, go crazy, live your dreams! forget the past focus on the future cause thats all that matters now =]

  11. It is very interesting if you consider the earth and cash.  The earth is the same.  Crops still grow, trees still provide wood, fish still live in the water to harvest.  The earth still gives fruit, grains, veggies, meat, wood, fuel (wood, sunlight, coal, etc).  Nothing has changed. There is still seedtime and harvest.  

    Only the economics of man has changed. A peach is a peach is a peach.  It still comes from a peach tree from the earth.  That hasn't changed.  But the price has drastically increased. A chunk of gold is still a chunk of gold like it was a thousand years ago.  It hasn't changed.  Only the price has soared.  

    No, the world is not ending.  But the present economic structure seems to be in great distress. Civilizations are changing.  We may have to learn to live without dallying too much in the present economic structure.  If the stock market crashes, if banks fail, if prices soar, it still won't change the fact that a peach is a peach just like it was before the stock market ever came into being. And a peach will still grow every year on a tree from the earth.  That doesn't change. There will always be seed time and harvest.

  12. Sooner or later

  13. The economy is getting very bad indeed but it's hard to tell what can happen (it would help if Obama won the elections)

  14. i don know about that 2012 stuff, but no, the world will not come to an end in your life span.

    currently the economy is really bad, but it will get better.

    mostly because of the whole middle east and Iran issue, so either Iran would get blown up, or there will be a peace treaty and everyone would be happy. either way, economy would be normal again and people would continue their normal lives.

    there might be the chance of our death because of the global warning, but then again, humans can survive that kind of thing so we'll be fine as a species.

  15. every one is talking about it .Its phroficised that 2012 21st dec will be the day . Wait & watch. also things have started to happen bomb blastsetc economy is failling so man will fight man in order to survive So things are slowly happening

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