
Is the world going to end any time soon?

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What is the next biggest thing that goin to happen to the earth, i mean over a period of time is the world going to seperate again or is it going to sink into the ground




  1. god knows

  2. No...the world is not going to end anytime soon.

    Even if we suffered some major catastrophy....there would still be the world will live on.

    The world won't end for about another 5 billion years...when our sun expands into a red giant and envelopes the first 3 or 4 planets in our solar system.    Only then..will the world truly end....and even's not a guarantee than the planet would completely disintegrate or anything like that.

    It would just be a lifeless ball of rock.

    By then..if humans are still around...then we will have had the means to travel elsewhere long before that.

  3. Haha read the california controversy, its going to sink b/c of san andeas fault, so idk about the world

  4. The sun will last a few billion more years and that's all we really need as long as we don't get hit by a killer comet or do the earth in ourselves with polution.  With luck the biggest thing to happen will just be another ice age, and man has survived through those before even w/o the resources we now have. About the sinking,  I think what you are talking about is plate tectonics.  That's the "engine" that broke Pangea apart and made seperate continents.  It may well be that eventually they will be together again and you could walk from the US to Europe or Africa.  Wouldn't that be something!

  5. If world ends any time by some cosmic catastrophe then

    [All Man] would

  6. Don't take it very seriously.

    According to the Mayan Calender the world is going to end in december 2012. To say, the exact date might 21st december.

  7. The earth is constantly in evolution and death. The end of the world could be any second, but so far so good.

  8. well, we are scheduled for getting scorched in some billion years by the sun - when it depleted it's fuel and ejects it's outer hull in a Nova.

    But otherwise, no appointment known, which will be the end of the world.

  9. What "ground" does the planet Earth have to "sink into"? We are floating in space. I can't see how it will end any time soon. The only thing that might end at some point in the next milliion years is the human race, which probably will be caused by humans themselves because of all this nuclear weapons construction and war and terrorism.

  10. Your question is a bit vague.  Matter is niether created nor destroyed, so in that sense of the term ('end'), the world will never 'end'.  However,  it's entirely possible that the Earth will become incapable of supporting human life.  From an evolutionary standpoint, this doesn't really mean much.  If, in 500 years, the world is so overpopulated that humans can't survive, life will still continue to exist here.  Over the course of the next few million years, another dominant life form will emerge, and the circle of life will continue.

  11. hahha i wish i knew the answer to that one also!!!

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