
Is the world going to end in 2012? ?

by Guest66465  |  earlier

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my sister said it was and you can read about it in the back of the bible and that hes taking the people he wants to be in heaven with him up now and leaving the rest to die or something? but my basketball coach said it wasnt. i dont know im just wondering but yeah. is itt?




  1. No the world is not going to end! The only reason people are saying that is because Mayan or Aztec (i cant remember which) calander ends in 2012. They have made accurate predictions in the past. But, they had to stop the calander somewhere and it  just so happened to be in December of 2012


  3. The Mayans have their calender! Maybe the leap years miscalculated their  time. Anyway when 2/3 of the population of those who deny God dies. Then that is a sign the world is going to end. It's one of the revelation prophecies!  

  4. The Mayan calendar stops at 2012, but they didn't write why. They never predicted that the world was going to end. Some experts say they thought a certain star was going to die in 2012, and they believed that the star was where they're spirits went when they died.

  5. they've been saying the world is going to end for years, depends on who's reading the bible and who's interpreting it (or whatever book, the jehova witness' read a diff kind and thought the world was going to end back in the 70s)

    it's all just a bunch of myths, old wives tales etc. don't believe any of it!

  6. Your sister and your basketball coach.  Sages in their own right, I'm sure. However, I think that this question is a little more complicated for which they are qualified.  Same goes for me (and probably anyone on this forum).

    My hunch is "No."  But I could be wrong.

  7. No one on Earth knows when the world is going to end. I'm sure there will be signs, but no one is sure of the exact date. So as long as we're living out lives for God, there's nothing to fear :)

  8. That is so weird..Me and my friends were just talking about that today. Supposedly the Myan calendar or something was written out and they had nothing written past 2012, so I guess know everyone believes the world is gonna end, but I can tell you this....It's Not! Our world may start changing dramatically, yet I do not know how. So it's not the end of the world. At least not for all of us. lol

  9. It is true! He is taking the Christians up currently and the non believers will be left after the rapture after December 21st, 2012.  It has been proven many times, but the most memorable proof is the Mayan calendar. Hope that helps!

  10. im not completley sure. well i heard and done some research on the subject - and i was said the world will die or end in december 12, 2012. and i was also said that the world has ened 4 times and in 2012 it will die finally end in 2012.

  11. No one knows the date of when God is coming back. It says no where in the bible that the world is going to end in 2012,or any other year for that matter.

  12. yes my sister said the same thing

    she even said it said it said on the news

    that its showing all the signs idk though.

  13. The Mayan calender ends a "long cycle" in December of 2012.  But our own calender ended a long cycle in December of 2000 (remember, there was no year zero!).  Nothing happened when WE ended a long cycle.  For us, the cycle happens to be decimal, one millennium.  The Mayans used a different cycle, but same result.

    Anybody who claims that the world will end is PATHETIC.  They are seeking attention or trying to get you excited for nothing but a bad practical joke.  If every idiotic prediction of the end of the world had come true, this world would be gone a gazillion times.

    When some doom-and-gloomer tells you the world will end, either laugh at that person's stupidity or ignore that person completely.

  14. Well if you are a reader of the bible than you should know beyond all doubt that God stated that only he knows when the end will come so I am not sure what you are reading but man-kind does not know... So live your life and love God so when the end does come you will not be part of the ending but the start of the new beginning that God also promise us.........................................

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