
Is the world looking at US now and wondering why they almost bought the american democracy c**p?

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Is the world looking at US now and wondering why they almost bought the american democracy c**p?




  1. Well, if McCain gets in, then it will give comedians around the world a lot of material to work with.

    frozen vegetables: Well one thing you can say about McCain, he does make good chips.

  2. When did US democracy sell this ****?  It was the US government, which needs to be stripped of its powers.

    Then again, people prefer a strong Hamiltonian government compared to a government composed by the people.

  3. yes, comrade.

  4. Are you kidding?  Where else in the world can you call the President a Chimpanzee and not have to worry about a knock on your door late at night?  Sure our campaigns can be pretty contentious.  But, that has been the case since America was first invented.  Our entire system is based on the idea of competition, debate and compromise.  

    The world looks at us with envy, my friend.  If they don't they should.


  5. the world is admiring the show.

  6. The foreigners never bought the *America c**p*..when in history did

    the US ever come out ahead of the *foreigners?*

    who cares about the *old country*..they are all socialistic and warped

    Just worry about your country and forget Obama bull roar

    I think you never served a day serving your country and should go

    abroad for awhile and get a reality check sound like a

    *sweetie* just like Bary Obama and his buddy JOE BIDEN

    both failed Dem0-can't party that Sick ol' Ted Kennedy

  7. Yes. They just stared at McCain and can't believe how stupid some of us are in actually WANTING to vote for him...

    "Because I have a woman by my side! I'm special!"--Actual quote from John McCain.

  8. Since when is democracy c**p? I think the U.S. is by no means perfect but I'm sure we'd be alot worse any other way. We're the best and if you don't like it that's your ******* problem. The whole world envies us and they all know it. I love my hamburgers, coca-cola, and Hollywood. I love the people and their accents, our style and technology, our music and freedom to do whatever the **** we want as long it's within our laws. **** you if you don't like our democracy. But before you report my answer as abuse, give me one good reason why we're c**p. Otherwise don't ask stupid questions.

  9. They never did.

    Obviously with the SCO, EU, blah blah, and so on... This world democracy was only a dream within the American public.

    The Euro has risen above the dollar, and NATO are states under investigation by both the EU and SCO. They want to price oil, the worlds treasure, under EU authority.

    Eye candy for the Americans. We must live stronger. It is your nation. Prepare to fight for what you're bitching about. We're defending.

  10. Even Canadians laugh at American politics and find it bizarre.

    If you have ever witnessed Canadian politics you will understand how extreme of a statement that is.

  11. WHAT?!?!? both my parents were immigrants to this country. They are now American citizens living the American Dream:Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I am a proudly born American, and I love my country. My parents love this country as well. America is the land of opportunity. If you don't like America don't live here, or come here. That's how I feel. I was lucky to be born in a country where I can think what I want, live the way I want, and be who I want to be.

  12. I got a call from a few of my friends in Sofia (that would be in Bulgaria, all uneducated liberals) earlier today.  They asked me if I was supporting the Socialist party (they meant Obama) during this next election.  I think that explains it all pretty nicely =]


    Proving my point exactly.  Of course you don't trust my friend in Sophia.  SOPHIA doesn't exist =]

    Sofia, however, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

  13. America is not a democracy, and was never intended to be. It is a representitive Republic

  14. i don't think it's very democratic. The same two parties over and over again.That's not democracy's a reoccurring nightmare.

  15. I don't trust your friends in Sophia, thanks.

  16. I don't understand. We have a very robust democracy where in Australia. It is very much based on the British system. As is America's.

    You'd think that America was the only country that had a democratic system of government. Obviously that's far from true. The only thing that seems radically different right now is the horribly long campaign season and the terrible inability of people to see those of a different political ideology as human. You're awfully divided right now.

    Edit: There are a lot of really ignorant comments going on here...I love when people say "Where else in the world can you...blah blah" I'll tell you. Lots of places. If you knew anything about the rest of the world you'd know that. There's a lot about America to envy but there's a lot many of us are grateful we don't an emeregency services system that doesn't know what it's doing, for example.

    Someone else said that the Euro is NOW more valuable that the US dollar.'s always been more valuable. If you want to talk NOW...NOW the Austalian dollar is almost on a par with the US dollar. A couple of years ago you could get more than two Australian dollars for your greenback.

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