
Is the world lucky that Georgia's membership of Nato was?

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blocked by the Europeans?

'The American people should be eternally grateful to Old Europe for having spiked the Bush-McCain plan to bring Georgia into NATO.

Had Georgia been in NATO when Mikheil Saakashvili invaded South Ossetia, we would be eyeball to eyeball with Russia, facing war in the Caucasus, where Moscow's superiority is as great as U.S. superiority in the Caribbean during the Cuban missile crisis.'




  1. They are not in NATO because of Fear

    Europe is afraid of Russia because they supply most of Europe's energy needs, They will never allow Georgia or the Ukkraine to Join NATO because it will mean Russia will cut the Pipelines

  2. No. Euros are cowards. They'd rather sit around complaining about the US than face a real enemy: Russia. If Georgia had been a part of NATO, this entire situation would never have occured. The Russians aren't stupid enough to attack a NATO member. Europeans are worthless, useless cowards. The USA should leave NATO, and let the eurocunts fend for themselves.

  3. How can Georgia 'invade' part of their own country?

    South Ossetia is not recognized as a nation by any country in the world and is effectively under Russian control.

    Maybe you need to look at a few more points of view before jumping to conclusions.

  4. Youve wrecked it now. all the yanks will suddenly realise it wasnt russia who started it all and they will get confused and angry. I hope you are happy with your days work!

    to the poster below.... i was aiming my comment at your hilarious spokesman George dubya Bush. The rootnest tootnest cowboy to mosey the halls of the white house! He seems to think russia are the agressors, and you voted him in ...hahaha.

  5. I just pray it never happens, Mikheil Saakashvili has shown the world just how unstable he is and in my opinion would bring nothing but trouble to the alliance !! :)

  6. Wish the U S of A would opt out of NATO They are useless to us Why to even want China to pull ahead of the U S at the Olympics What use are they to us?

  7. American people on the whole seem  very badly informed on world affairs.It would seem George Bush is on a one man campaign to start WW3

  8. listen this if for the stupid americans (the smart ones disregard this)

    If we Europeans annoy the russian and they cut our gas supply we freeze when winter comes around, yeeeeehaaa lets go get them rushkies.

    russia is alright most the problems in the world after ww2 have been caused by the usa

  9. Had Georgia been a NATO member Russia would have reacted differently.  

    That being said, no one east of Germany should be in NATO.

    I think it's crazy to paint Russia as some innocent party reacting to Georgian aggression in all this though.  

  10. Yes


  12. Yes, think many of us here in olde Europa think that Georgian membership of NATO was a "Bridge Too Far".  We should always treat the Russians with extreme caution.  Stroke the Russian bear with a soft hand.  Rub him up the wrong way and the Ruskies react like a mouth full of fiery Vodka.

    Red Army Choir

    The Russians are a proud folk who think that 15 degrees below zero is a good day to go swimming after breaking the ice.

    The magnificent Russian Army - The Victory Parade 2008 Red Square Moscow.

    The above parade is held every year in May in celebration of the Red Army victory over the n***s in 1945 - note the Red Soviet Flag is still held high - the battle standard of the Russian people.

    Nothing has changed in old Russia.  The people yearn for a powerful Tsar - they've got one, Putin.


  13. Umm I am pretty sure us "yanks" know that Georgia was the aggressor and Russia just defended .  Please don't make ignorant remarks towards my people.

  14. ya way to go Europe again,,

    Hey, i know lets just leave countries like Georgia out that way we wont have to make any hard decisions and we can just hide from the Russians

    your logic is horrible, basically you state that we dodged a bullet by not having Georgia in NATO, that way we can just wash our hands of it instead of helping, the peace treaty drafted by the french could have been done regardless of Georgia being NATO or not, what makes you think Georgia in NATO equals some sort of all out war,

    you can try to spin it any way you want, the fact is, the Russians invaded a western allied sovereign Country because they wanted to support separatists, they interfered with an internal Georgian  problem, the Russians also have there eye on more resources.

    also look at the way the Russians went about it, they rolled in with the tanks and started bombing civilians,,  

    if the United States had done what the Russians did all the European hippies would be crying fowl, but somehow in your eyes its ok for a country like Russia to Just stomp through a country like Georgia,,

    BTW in case you forgot South Ossetia is part of Georgia,,,

    lastly , your not even asking a real question your just a spin artist trying to revise history so that, the Europeans block of Georigia in NATO somehow looks like a good thing full of forethought and compassion,,

    the truth is, they didn't want to pay more for petrol.

    so whos the real "blood for oil" country now???

    dont worry europe, keep living in a dream world, the next time your country gets taken over maybe us yanks wont save you this time,, after all if Georgia isn't your problem,,maybe western europe isn't our problem

    have fun being part of the new Soviet Union

    i cant wait to see how you spin it when the Russians start messing with Poland and the Baltic states.

  15. There seems to be whole bunch of questions on here that are thinly veiled Kremlin propaganda.

    I'd heard that the BNP were all over this site but FSB too?

    Note to all Lubjanka employees and Russian nationalists: We're not fooled, we know a ten year campaign of intimidation made Georgia snap, and you were only handing out passports to give you an excuse, so stop your bullshit, we're not falling for it.

    I'd love to see a list of all the IP addresses for the people who submit these questions....

  16. You are absolutely right,and long may we keep any country OUT that looks like a potential flashpoint,

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