
Is the world pretty Much endinng?

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Is it normal with the recent flood and the thunder storms in the northeast (New Hampshire) and stuff like that or is it really Global warming?

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  1. I personally believe global warming is caused by the 2012 "pole shift" or more specifically the transformation into a new age, the age of aquarius, the earth is lining up directly with the center of our galaxy, this will cause a "wobble" which is why global warming is happening. It only does this every 26,000 years, if you look at history 26,000 years ago, we dont have very much info on a good time frame of that period in time, why is that? Is it possible that there have been advanced civilizations before us that have been destroyed by natural catastrophes like global warming. Whoever denies global warming isnt paying much attention to the climate, we have been seeing an increase in natural catastrophes, all of which is explained by the 2012 pole shift. The mayans had a prophecy about 12/21/2012, they said a great change would happen, but what kind of change has been the dispte, could it be a "spiritual" change, well even if it was spiritual what would the mayans define spiritual as. It is very unlikely the change would be spiritual, and more likely physical transformation that causes spiritual change. For example, if 99% of the worlds population were to die in the coming years, the human species would be devastated, and I believe this would cause a spiritual or logical understanding of why we live, the purpose of life and it would change the direction of human advancement. The mayans were very advanced in the study of astronomy, even more so than our current understanding, they had a more logical approach to it, and they studied it for thousands of years, we havnt even come close. Much of their scriptures on the specifics of the 2012 prophcy were destroyed, so we can not really understand the reasons for their prophecy, nor can we understand the logic behind it. Suppose the erth goes through a cleansing stage every so many years, needed for its own survival, surely humans are not the center of the universe, and much like it is our goal to survive as a species, the earth is also an organism that needs to survive among othe planets for whatever reason, maybe a greater purpose in existence. I think many people cant get over the concept of heaven and h**l, jesus christ and "faith", and they ignore science because they have faith. If a person were to ask me what or who is god, I would say god is an energy, it is the origin of the creation of all matter, of time and existence, not a person, not a divine being, not the father of jesus. If we look at the facts, everything that is requires energy, that energy must come from somewhere, our earth receives energy from the sun, the sun receives energy from somewhere, that somewhere receives enrgy from somewhere and so on. The very center of that energy is god in my perspective. Nobody knows what will happen on or around 12/21/2012, but I can surely say that it is obvious that change is among us, I dont think that we as humans who have much less understanding of astronomy than the mayans, should be disregarding their beliefs, and we should be taking their words very seriously, afterall the dinosaurs became extinct through natural phenomena, and we will probably go the same way, I say global warming is sort of a cover up for what the gov really knows is going to happen in the next few years, it is a formal warning to figure **** out and do something about it, not for society, but for yourself, for your own survival. I dont think DEC 21, 2012 will bring doom upon us, the world will not end, but its possible that the human species will end, BIG FLOOD?...who knows, but what I do know is that we have seen an increase in earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, etc for the last few years, and I think its going to get worse. Only you can make a decision on what you believe, remember, science is just a theory, and maybe its not the right one. You have your life to lose but not doing your own research, you cant rely on others to do your homework for you, because everyones perspective is unique in its own way.

  2. If you just take a little look at history there have been lots of worse storms and such than this

  3. Don't let the doom and gloomers get you down, they are full of it.

  4. I'd just like to point out that even if it were global warming, the world would not be ending.  The environmental movement, like most other movements, has its share of exaggerations.  Anyone who ever says "save the planet" to you or to anyone else is completely exaggerating.  Imagine the worst global warming scenario you want, and the world will still be here, and life would probably survive....we might not though, so that's the real problem :(

    To answer your question, global warming *might* be making things worse over time, but even with that gradual change taking place, there are still natural ups and downs in weather patterns occurring. That's what the floods and storms probably are.

  5. Global warming is very likely increasing storms but there is no way of knowing whether any particular weather is caused by it, because bad weather has always happened unpredictably.  However, the world is by no means ending!

  6. There have been alarmists and gloom and doomers since before the Babylonians.  This is simply the current doomsday fad.  It will be replaced by another when it fizzles.

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