
Is the world really going to end 2012???

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is it?




  1. Sozin's comet is coming and we haven't found the avatar yet. =/

  2. NO ONE knows when the world will end. Everyone thought the world would end on 01/01/2000. People thought the world would end 06/06/2006.  It's all theories in reality no one knows when. It could be tomorrow it could 100 years from now. So live life to the fullest!!!!

  3. I'll bet you 1 billion dollars that it won't end.

    A win/win for me. If it doesn't you owe me a billion dollars. If it does well too bad we're dead so you can't have it.

  4. no however we will experience a new dementia

  5. no. why do people keep asking this?

    make it a good day

  6. probably not

  7. of course not.. =].. oh.. the heck with these people! not you.. but why do you ask? haven't you read about the past questions regarding with this subject? =]

  8. lets hope so

    Edit : Hey its meant to end on my 19th birthday. Best gift i could ask for, destruction of humanity.

  9. No. That is just the end of the Mayan calender, same as ours ends every Dec 31. If the Mayans were still around they would just start marking the days again as we start to do on Jan 1. We used the sun, they used a different star and that accounts for the difference.

  10. Nope.  "A generation comes and a generation goes, but the earth remains forever."  However, the world as we know it may go through some changes.

  11. I've answered this a million times too and the answer is NO.  I give Scriptures that prove the planet has no end, but I still get a thumbs down.  If you believe the Bible, than absolutely no end to planet earth.  There was an end to a 'world,' or an 'age,' but that is long past.  (old covenant world ended in AD70 at Jesus' Parousia.)  

    "Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end." - Ephesians 3:21

    Ecclesiastes 1:4 "A generation goes and a generation comes, But the earth remains forever."

    "He laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever." - Psalm 104:5

    Anytime a Christian debates that Christ's return means the end of the planet, show them these Scriptures and ask how can that be, logically.  Also ask them to look up the words for planet, world and age in a Concordance.  Then ask them to look up the word "elements" - which most Christians interpret to mean elements of the earth, when it is actually "rudiments" of teaching.  Meaning that what burned up was the temple, along with its rituals and sacrifices.  There is a lot of apocalyptic writing about this time of the end (66-70AD) and it is not literal, but figurative.  For instance, the "stars falling from the sky" is not literal, but instead means that rulers will fall from power.  I didn't make this up - the Bible uses this language in other places and history tells us this is what happened (instead of stars literally falling out of the sky.)

    Bible interpretation requires vigorous study today, because we are so far removed from the original language and the time of its writing.  And remember that the Bible is a history book, written directly to people living 2000 years ago, not to us living today.  This is where most Christians get all balled up.  

  12. possibly because obama is the anti christ...


    no the world is not coming to an end but there are rough times ahead i can tell u that much...

    who ever made 2012 is an idiot...  its going to pass and were all going to laugh at the people who spent 500 dollars on a nuclear biological chemical suit.

  13. Ya know- people said bad things were going to happen in the year 2000-Y2K..And then on 6-6-06 (June 6, 2006).But we're still here today!..Nothing is going to happen! The Earth is going to continue to rotate..It has for millions of years-why would it stop so soon?

  14. No, but there will certainly be a change, billions will die, so their lives will end, but not the world.

  15. They have been predicting the end of time since the beginning of time, and we are still here, so i would have to say NO!!!

  16. Maybe, I give it 50/50 of the world either ending or not ending.  

  17. Take heed but fear not for 2012 is just the revealing of the 'antichrist' or the 'man of lawlessness' at the middle of what Jews and Christians call the 7 year Tribulation. Satanists and many pagan cultures from every corner of the world all throughout history have celebrated this like  the Sumerians, Babylonians, Cherokee, Hopi, Chinese I-Ching (confirmed by Terence McKenna), Mayans (Pacal Votan), Egyptians, Celts, etc. This evil event is called "the abomination that causes desolation" that will be set up in the Jewish Temple’s Holy of Holies when the antichrist is imbued with the power of satan himself. When will Yeshua Ha'Mashiach (Jesus) come? Only God Himself knows, but very soon. If you believe or not, that is up to you; either way it still comes.

    Things to look for to PROVE it to yourself soon:

    >Crash of American banks and its financial underpinning: Operation Sitting Duck

    >Fall of America as an economic power and other ways.

    >The Big One: Revelation 18. America goes down on the list of fabled societies nobody believes in any more like Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria, Hyperborea, etc..

    >Martial law. (Google some of Bush's executive orders concerning it- Nightmarish!)

    >Implementation of Project Bluebeam (be ready to hear more and more 'alien talk'... watch your local skies for the show!) Google and youtube it. Aliens... aliens... aliens...

    >Revelation 13-16-18  Trying to make people first accept the REAL ID card (to get you in the system) and then right after forcibly implanting people with these RFID microchips:

    >The start of the North American Union.

    >Push to attack Iran which will start WW3-the atomic war to end all wars. (If you think China, Russia, and the Muslim world would just sit back, you are a mistaken fool!)

    >Final push to one world government: The New World Order- The 4th Reich!

    (The brutal final empire foreseen by Daniel and John)

    >Rise of a miraculous and awe inspiring world leader later to turn world dictator.

    >Push to one world religion where there are "manys ways to God".

    >Toleration of everything but Jews and Christians.

    >Temporary and unheard of "peace in the middle east".


    >More world wide food shortages and famines.

    >More earth quakes. More fires. Strange and severe weather.

    >Major spiritual awakenings.

    >Rise of Islamic fanaticism.

    >Rise in wickedness and corruption.

    >Listen to the wisdom of this young child:


    Christians and Messianic Jews look forward to this as it means they will soon join their Messianic Saviour in the Millennial Kingdom of the next Age and their Heavenly Father later as "Children of Light". If you try to equate 2012 with Y2K or some other date that cried wolf, then you will be making the worst mistake in your life. Research all these things FOR YOURSELF!

  18. I don't think so :)

  19. If that has been predicted, I would recommend that you take it with a grain of salt.

  20. Ask me again in 2012. We will find out together.

  21. Today questions about 2012 had been asked more than 12,000 times. I have given a version of this answer more than 150 times.

    This stuff is all lies and fraud to get people buying faked up books, videos, watching nonsense shows on TV and directing traffic to fraudulent websites.

    Pole shifts - no, not a chance. The Earth’s axis of rotation is stabilised by the Moon’s gravity.

    Magnetic poles flip - no, they will just keep moving as usual. They are likely to change ends at some time in the geologically near future but it will take hundreds to thousands of years to happen. Meanwhile, the magnetic field will not disappear, but it will probably get more complex.

    Mayan calendar - one of their calendars ends in 2012 because they ran out of numbers in a count of days. There is NO prediction attached to this and even if there was, it would be astrology and that has been disproved so many times that it's not worth any more words. In any case the prediction was invented a few years ago by a couple of modern fake scholars.

    Solar maximum - expected in 2011, maybe 2012 and it happens every 11 years anyway.

    Predicted planetary “alignments” are completely false. The positions of the planets will be about as far from an "alignment" as you can imagine. The next "alignment" of the major planets is expected sometime after the Sun burns out. Even if it did happen the question would arise "So what?" Where is the physical connection between Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn etc?

    Gravity? Like to calculate how strong the gravitational effects of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn is on Earth? Multiply the masses of the planets together, divide by the square of the distance between them and then multiply by the gravitational constant, which is a rather small number. Now add them all together and you still don't have a hill of beans.

    Newton knew how to calculate this about 300 years ago, but our planetary alignment freaks never care to do the calculation because the result would make them look as silly as they are.

    Venus will transit the Sun in June 2012, just as it did in 2004 and on a regular cycle before that. No noticeable effect then except on astronomers, some of whom will take measurements, no expected effect this next time.

    Planet X / black hole / brown dwarf / wandering planet - No. It was predicted for 2003 by a loony woman who claimed telepathic contact with aliens. No sign of it then and still no sign of it. If this big nasty exists it must be quite close by now and visible with a fairly ordinary astronomical telescope. Where is it? The assumption that it can only be seen from the southern hemisphere and therefore astronomers don’t see it is nonsense, there are astronomical telescopes in Chile, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, a fact that some of the frauds prefer to ignore.

    Nibiru was originally a separate scare and depends on some faked-up scholarship by a fraud called Z. Sitchin. He claimed to be able to read cuneiform, a script used by Babylonians among others. He could not but others can. He stole some of their work, invented the rest and claimed that some old Babylonian texts talked of a planet with a 3600 year orbit that passed close to Earth. This planet was inhabited by aliens who landed on Earth to enslave people into producing gold for them. There is no record of this 3600 years ago, yet the Babylonians and Assyrians kept extensive records.

    In fact Nibiru is an old Mesopotamian name for the planet Jupiter, which will be staying right in its accustomed orbit, thank you very much. Sitchin disagreed with the "Planet X" loony though both of them were liars or frauds.

    But the frauds and woo-woos have combined the two since two stray planets entering the inner solar system in the same decade might be too much for even the most credulous to swallow.

    25,800 year cycles. This is called "precession of the equinoxes" and was discovered a bit more than 2100 years ago. It has been happening since the Earth formed billions of years ago and will not stop, start or change direction in 2012. There is no particular significance in the direction the poles of rotation happen to be pointing at present or in 2012.

    The Bible codes were disproved within months of the first book coming out, similar coded messages can be found in any random book or even newspapers using the same "anything goes" methods faked up by the author, Michael Drosnin. He used the codes to predict a nuclear war starting in 1997. Oops.

    Revelation - nobody ever made sense of those febrile maunderings, the evidence for that is that there are so many different interpretations. It has been used to predict the end on dozens of dates from the year 500AD right up to April 2008.

    Nostradamus never predicted anything accurately and he may not have intended to. Many editions of his quatrains contain faked verses inserted long after he died.

    Galactic central plane - we are near it, so astronomers say, but we have al

  22. There are many theories on this seems to have come up alot in ancient times as well as recently.  Will it happen?  I don't know, but if you want to discuss this further, come to the site below...we are all about this well as other things that are paranormal...join us.

  23. yup..get ready. go here buy your supplies.. NOW

  24. No way! There have been tons of times people have said the world is going to end, but here we all are. A few years ago a rumor similar to this one went around saying there were scientific facts that the world was going to end in 2004.

  25. No, to my own knowledge and belief the end of the world is your death so i would say the world doesn't end but life ends therefore it will the end of the world to the dead and not the living.

    sometimes you should not believe what geography and science says because those people are just carrying out some false experiments though sometimes appear to be true. but not that the world is going to end thts a white lie to those who believe in God like me.

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