
Is the world really going to end in 2012??

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what's supposed to happen?? why do they think that? what do YOU think about it??!!

also, i heard that albert einstein said that 5 years after the bee die, humans are going to die... and bees are dying this year!!

anyways... please answer my questions!




  1. No.  The Mayans observed the transcendence of the earth's solar system passing the mid-point of the sacred-tree (aka equator-equivalent of the Milky-Way Galaxy).  This transcendence is much like any of our summer/winter solstice events with a resultant bigger bang, forgive me for the pun.  It is known with the simply solstice type events that earthquake activities alone increase dramatically, now image the additional variable of polar magnetic switch which seems to be aligning itself with the upcoming 2012 date.    I imagine a turbulent earth but it will persevere, although this cycle of the earth may ultimately be seen as the end of days, from which religions are created when it truth, metaphorically it is only a cleansing and natural cycle.

  2. Here's some good information on the subject and why it won't happen:

    Simply another opportunity for people to cash in!

  3. Bee's die all the time, whats your point. They say the world is going to end every day. If you want to you could find people who say the world will end tomorrow. No one knows. And anyone who claims they Believe in God, and say that they have figured out when the world will end, needs to read their bible again, because God said only he knows when the world will end.

    Mr. Lonely I was being facetious. I didn't mean the whole  world population. And extinction is a way of life. It happens to every species eventually, the planet naturally adapts.

  4. Only if you die.

    Most of these predictions fail to materialise.

    The only ones that I have known to work were in a books called 'Future Shock, and the Third Wave by Alvin Tofflar.'

    The first printed in 1970 and the second printed in 1980.

    read them both and see that he has predicted we will survive.

    Good Luck

  5. I think this way of life is going to change. Mankind goes through cycles and 2012 is the beggining of something new.

  6. It does'nt really matter if we all die, who would be left to care?

  7. The first thing is that yes honey bees are dying, millions of them. Here are some links to start you off.

    As for the world ending in 2012, well as people say above me that comes from a translation of the Mayan calender. But if you think about it they could not even predict their own future so how could they predict what is going to happen to us??

    And as for what Einstein said....Maybe he is right, who knows, we will have to wait untill 5 years after the last bee dies....

    This is another interesting link you may like. click on the now button, it will freak you out....

  8. i think you had better live it up for the next 4 years,

    just in case eh!!!

  9. nobody knows

    its just a rumor/ theory based on how the mayan calander ends on that exact date (being 12-20-12)

    and the mayan calander has "predicted" some important historical events of course many believe it to be coincidence

    i say just believe in what you want to believe its not that far

  10. No grasshopper.

  11. certainly, and again at 2018, 2039, 2057, etc. or what else could we talk about?

  12. I'm more concerned about the bee die off than I am the final date on the Mayan calendar. On the bright side if the "world" does actually end then we won't have to listen to the Global Warming whiners anymore now I call that a Win Win situation.

  13. If the bible says that jesus does not know when the world will in what makes u think that a group of Mayan indians will know.

    and what is this bee talk u speak of

  14. Who knows when the world is going to end.  All that is just a persons hypothesis.  I feel the world wont end for another billions of years.

  15. The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012 so that's where most of the speculation has begun. Most 2012 theories I think are bogus. Bees pollinate most of our plants and crops and if they die out so do most of our crops and a large part of the world's food supplies which would lead to a lot of people going hungry and chaos. Scientists can not replicate what bees do to replenish our crops so it is a serious matter.

    The person who says bees doe everyday and who cares might like to pick up a book or a newspaper and inform herself a little more about the world around her.

  16. I just try to live everyday as if it is the last and let folks know I love them .That's about all any of us can do.

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