
Is the world really going to end this thursday?

by Guest57943  |  earlier

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Ok i dont believe him but i have panic attacks so i get freaked out haha and im going to cedar point on that day! lol

why is he saying this stuff?

is it really going to end lol

yeah if it was ppl would be reports on it and stuff right?




  1. no its going to end on the 21 of december, 2012

  2. Yes, I already ordered my last supper: Fillet Mignon with A1 sauce, corn on the cob, baked beans and mashed potatoes. My drink will be a margarita!

    Ok on a more serious note, whenever you hear someone say that the world is coming to an end, do not believe them, because NO ONE can predict when the world is coming to an end. No more then they can predict the next Triple Crown Winner.  I mean take the year 2000, everyone thought that the world was going to end and everyone panicked, bought all these canned food and water jugs, etc. And when the world didn't end, the only thing these people did was make themselves look like paranoid idiots.

    Bottom line, do not live your life in fear because it can hinder the quality of life that you do have. Life is short, enjoy it and don't let paranoia control you.

  3. I cant believe for one moment that your serious, people have been saying this for years, even, more so some of the religous groups,so who is this weird person,thats telling you this?.

  4. First of all clam down nobody knows any-date or time to which our world were to end besides our one and only God. And for those non- believers ,when the end does come u will wish u had. for those believers (that will not be found wrong but to comment you, from a unbeliever's eye's which I am not ) who live life as a believer and ends time Ur were wrong , hey u had nothing to loose right?  but back to your question if there was a date the government would know for sure and would never let that info out could you imagine the out rage throughout the human race? so some body's world may be coming to a end on Thursday but not the world Our God created thanks really there is NOTHING to worry about. REally

  5. Sure about that?

  6. I'll tell you on Friday.

  7. Okay, why would the world end when you're doing class? If the world was going to end, we would all kill ourselves. THe person who told you that needs mental help. Seriously, I'm not kidding. It doesn't help to worry when the world will end. Just enjoy life.

  8. No, you're safe. There's no logical reason why it would end on thursday. Although, something interesting, the Mayan calendar (the Mayans were a pre-columbian civilization) ends in December of 2012. The reason why this is believed to be the day the world ends is because the Mayans were extremely in sync spiritually. They were extremely accurate in all their accusations of astronomy, math, art, architecture and written language. So the fact that their entire civilization disappeared and no one knows where they went, makes many people nervous and think that the Mayans knew that the world would end in 2012. Of course there would need to be a logical reason for the ending of it and there isn't. So the way I see it if we start taking care of our earth and start to battle global warming, we might stand a chance. Go green! (sorry for the lecture.)

  9. Whoever told you that is disturbed. The world isn't ending on thursday

  10. LOL Hope not im  fitting a solar panel this weekend to save our planet...

  11. No the world isnt going to end if anything really that bad will wipe the inhabitants and creatures off the face of the planet and it will become empty like it was in the beginning the planet will not be going anywhere.

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